Monthly Archives: September 2013

Dan Mitchell destroys Max Brantley’s contention that tax rates don’t put feet in motion!!!!

Dan Mitchell destroys Max Brantley’s contention that tax rates don’t put feet in motion!!!!


Max Brantley should be commended for admitting that tax rates do enter into the decision making process for many people when they decide to move. However, he falls short of admitting their full impact on these decisions.

Here is what the Washington Examiner  wrote about tax competition and tax migration inside the United States.

States like California…can’t afford to be hospitable to business while also funding massive public employee entitlements. …job-creating businesses flee big-government Blue States for limited-government Red States. In short order, Blue States find themselves in financial straits. …between 2000 and 2010, the big Blue States of New York, California, and Illinois chased off hundreds of thousands of residents taking billions in income with them ($45.6 billion, $29.4 billion, and $20.4 billion respectively). Each of these states have highly progressive, high-marginal rate tax codes. California, for example, has 10 income tax brackets and a top rate of 13.3 percent. New York has eight brackets and an 8.82 percent top rate. Where did all those formerly Blue State income go? To low-tax, Red State jurisdictions, including Florida (no income tax), Texas (no income tax), and Arizona (4.54 percent top rate). Those three alone raked in $67.3 billion, $17.7 billion, and $17.6 billion, respectively.

Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute noted:

Indeed, there have been studies looking at how specific states are driving high-income taxpayers to emigrate. And that means big Laffer-Curve effects.

Which is good news because even politicians are probably capable of learning – sooner or later – that high tax rates won’t raise much revenue if the geese that lay the golden eggs decide to fly away.


In light of these facts some of Max Brantley comments just look off a little bit:

Here’s something fun to noodle with if you have time. A Jefferson County native was fascinated withthis website, How Money Walks, and I agree there’s some interesting stuff there.

The map (flash player required) uses IRS figures to show movement of wealth, as measured by adjusted gross income, from one place to another — broken down by state and metropolitan area. There’s an ideological angle,  naturally. It’s meant to show that rich people have walked away from high-tax places like California. I’m not ready to accept the premise entirely. Taxes alone don’t explain decisions to move. Arkansas, with a high income tax rate that has flattened over the years, still manages to be a “growth” state. Louisiana, where no tax break is off the table, was a loser over the time period.

I think you can see some other forces at work in just this one slice above, on Pulaski County. A huge amount of income here moved to suburban counties over the period studied, for a giant net loss. Pulaski did gain a nice chunk of income from people leaving Jefferson County. I don’t believe it was tax rates that put those feet in motion.


Here is the complete article from Dan Mitchell below:

Why Tax Migration and Federalism Mean Doom for Left-Wing States such as New York, California, and Illinois

Maybe this means I’m not a nice person (notwithstanding my high score for tenderness in a recent test), but I can’t help but be happy when I read bad news about fiscal policy in high-tax welfare states.

And because I’m a huge fan of tax competition, I get even happier when I find out that bloated governments are in trouble because people are escaping to places where government isn’t quite so greedy.

With that in mind, I smiled when I read what the Washington Examiner just wrote about tax competition and tax migration inside the United States.

States like California…can’t afford to be hospitable to business while also funding massive public employee entitlements. …job-creating businesses flee big-government Blue States for limited-government Red States. In short order, Blue States find themselves in financial straits. …between 2000 and 2010, the big Blue States of New York, California, and Illinois chased off hundreds of thousands of residents taking billions in income with them ($45.6 billion, $29.4 billion, and $20.4 billion respectively). Each of these states have highly progressive, high-marginal rate tax codes. California, for example, has 10 income tax brackets and a top rate of 13.3 percent. New York has eight brackets and an 8.82 percent top rate. Where did all those formerly Blue State income go? To low-tax, Red State jurisdictions, including Florida (no income tax), Texas (no income tax), and Arizona (4.54 percent top rate). Those three alone raked in $67.3 billion, $17.7 billion, and $17.6 billion, respectively.

Indeed, there have been studies looking at how specific states are driving high-income taxpayers to emigrate. And that means big Laffer-Curve effects.

Which is good news because even politicians are probably capable of learning – sooner or later – that high tax rates won’t raise much revenue if the geese that lay the golden eggs decide to fly away.

And since a picture tells a thousand words, here’s the map of taxable income migration put together by the Tax Foundation using IRS data.

Tax Foundation Income Migration Map

Before closing, I want to highlight one other passage from the Examiner column that touches on a very critical point.

Thanks to the few federalist principles that are still protected in the Constitution, Americans remain free to vote with their feet and escape economically suffocating places like California in order to move to the vastly more hospital economic climates found in Red States like Texas.

Amen. Federalism is a very valuable way of protecting people from statism. We see it when people move from New York. We see it when they escape from California. We see it from a big-picture perspective in the Tax Foundation map.

Federalism enables to producers to escape the looters and moochers.

But federalism has been weakened over the years by the expansion of federal government. If we want to bolster competition among the states – and therefore constrain the greed of the political class, we need to devolve programs from Washington.

This is why welfare reform during the Clinton years was such a good idea. And it’s why block-granting Medicaid is so desirable (above and beyond the fiscal need to implement good entitlement reform).

P.S. It’s rather appropriate that I’m writing about federalism since I’m now in Lausanne, Switzerland, for the 2013 Liberty Conference and Switzerland is probably the world’s best example of genuine federalism.

P.P.S. One small correction to the Examiner’s piece. Illinois is a high-tax state. Illinois is a big-government state. Illinois is a state heading toward fiscal collapse. There are many things wrong with the Land of Lincoln, but it hasn’t compounded those other mistakes with a “progressive” tax that discriminates against those who add more to economic output. Indeed, the fact that Illinois has a flat tax helps to explain why politicians had such a hard time pushing through a tax hike a couple of  years ago. They eventually succeeded, but the politicians faced an uphill battle because they couldn’t play the divide-and-conquer game of raising taxes on a limited segments of the population.

The Laffer Curve, Part III: Dynamic Scoring

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Editorial cartoon from Dan Mitchell’s blog on California’s sorry state of affairs

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Are the states of Illinois and California going to join Detroit in Bankruptcy one day?

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California is the Greece of the USA, but Texas is not perfect either!!!

California is the Greece of the USA, but Texas is not perfect either!!! Just Because California Is Terrible, that Doesn’t Mean Texas Is Perfect January 21, 2013 by Dan Mitchell Texas is in much better shape than California. Taxes are lower, in part because Texas has no state income tax. No wonder the Lone Star State […]

Dan Mitchell on Texas v. California (includes editorial cartoon)

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Editorial cartoon from Dan Mitchell’s blog on California’s sorry state of affairs

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California raises taxes again!!!

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California dismal experience of trying to soak the rich

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California burdensome government causing some of business community to leave for Texas

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California has forgotten the lessons of Ronald Reagan

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Economist Antony Davies’ video “What Can We Cut to Balance the Budget”

What Can We Cut to Balance the Budget

Published on Oct 16, 2012

If the U.S. government cut all government services except Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and payments on the debt, federal spending would still outpace revenues. Prof. Antony Davies argues that there are not specific cuts that will enable government to balance the budget. He says, “Nothing less than a redesign will solve this problem.” That redesign should begin by determining what the proper role of government is.


We need to do some serious cutting of spending.

Last year, I made fun of the Washington Post for biased reporting when they used the world “slash” to describe a budget proposal that would have trimmed $6 billion out of a giant $3,800 billion budget.

I wrote that this was the budgetary equivalent of “going on a diet by leaving a couple of french fries in the bottom of the bag after bingeing on three Big Mac meals at McDonald’s.” A couple of other bloggers then had some fun by doing the exact calculations of what this would mean.

Now we have a cartoon version of Washington budgeting, authored by Gary Varvel.

Keep in mind, though, that this cartoon actually is inaccurate because it implicitly accepts the dishonest Washington definition of a budget cut (having spending grow, but not as fast as previously planned).

Every budget plan, even the very admirable proposals put forth by Sen. Rand Paul and the House Republican Study Committee, merely restrains the growth of federal spending.

So the cartoon should show Uncle Same with some clippers, simply seeking to keep the weed from growing even faster.

And if we replaced Uncle Sam with Barack Obama, instead of scissors or clippers, he’d be holding fertilizer.

“Music Monday” Coldplay the documentary with pictures and videos (Part 4 )

Coldplay Max Masters – Part 5 of 7

Peter Dray wrote:


Coldplay on death, judgement and the meaning of life

One of the other major themes that emerges through Coldplay’s latest offer, Viva la Vida, is that of death and judgement. Fascinatingly, it’s a subject that Chris Martin recently spoke on ina recent interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

In the interview Martin reveals that, although he continues to believe in God, he has apparently rejected the idea of hell existing. He reveals that, in particular, as he grew up as a teenager, he hated the idea that his own sexual morality might affect or determine his eternal fate.

The album track, Yes, seems to be a reflection on this sort of subject, told by someone who is struggling alone in sexual temptation and guilt: ‘Yeah we were dying of frustration / Saying “Lord lead me not into temptation” / But it’s not easy when she turns you on / If you’ll only, if you’ll only say yes / Whether you will’s anybody’s guess / God, only God knows I’m trying my best / But I’m so tired of this loneliness.’

I can’t help feeling sad when I read these lyrics – because I can’t help feeling that Martin has missed the heart of the Christian message. There’s nothing about God’s goodness – even in giving us a blueprint for sexuality – and nothing about grace. It’s awful to think that any person can feel that they’ve blown it forever with God.

That Chris Martin longs for more – indeed, that he longs for something beyond death – is clear. The song 42 may, I think, be a reference to ‘the meaning of life’ in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and asks deep existential questions about death and what it means to be alive: ‘Those who are dead are not dead / They’re just living my head / And since I fell for that spell I am living there as well / Time is so short and I’m sure / There must be something more.’ To airbrush out the existence of death and whatever comes after is foolish, yet Martin adds to be preoccupied with death and whatever comes after is to miss the point of living now. The track reminded me of Paul’s teaching in 2 Corinthians 4: that life now only makes sense – and that we only truly live radically now – once we are convinced that Jesus’ blood has bought us a place with God forever, in the place of solid joys and lasting pleasures.

The final track, Death and All His Friends, dreamily reflects on the brevity of life. It shows a desire to make the most of our time now, yet also seems to convey how we feel that like is too short. AsEcclesiastes puts it, we sometimes feel that eternity has been set in our hearts. Death feels like a disruption.

And for all of his dislike of institutional religion and the violence done in the name of Christianity, the song Reign of Love seems to reflect a longing for a kingdom of pure goodness – possibly even a reference to what Jesus called the Kingdom of God, where God’s rule is perfectly manifest. Perhaps that’s what Chris Martin hopes for above all: in all of the messiness, he hopes for redemption. As a powerful lyric fromLovers in Japan puts it, ‘But I have no doubt / One day the sun will come out ‘

Posted by peterdray


Chris Martin revealed in his interview with Howard Stern that he was rasied an evangelical Christian but he has left the church. I believe that many words that he puts in his songs today are generated from the deep seated Christian beliefs from his childhood that find their way out in his life. His belief in being generous with charities, and the fact Coldplay’s songs  deal so much with death and the search for meaning and purpose of life (similar to Solomon’s search in Ecclesiastes), that our actions are being watched, and Chris describes different ways God tries to reveal himself to us, and many songs deal with trying to find a way to an afterlife and heaven, and he stills uses Christian terms like being “blessed” and “grateful.”

Up to this point many people may be saying that this is all based on some pretty flimsy evidence. However, one of the most revealing things came out when Chris wrote the song “Viva La Vida.” He had previously said he left Christianity because of the biblical view of eternal damnation but what does Chris do with the evil king in the song “Viva La Vida?”  Q Magazine asked Chris Martin about the lyric in this song “I know Saint Peter won’t call my name.” Martin said,  “It’s about…You’re not on the list… Its always fascinated me that idea of finishing your life and then being analyzed on it…That is the most frightening thing you could possibly say to somebody. Eternal damnation.  I know it. It’s mildly terrifying to me. And this is serious.”

Maybe we have heard the last of this journey from Chris?

Chris Martin



Ecclesiastes 1

Published on Sep 4, 2012

Calvary Chapel Spring Valley | Sunday Evening | September 2, 2012 | Pastor Derek Neider


Ecclesiastes 2-3

Published on Sep 19, 2012

Calvary Chapel Spring Valley | Sunday Evening | September 16, 2012 | Derek Neider


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Open letter to President Obama (Part 413)Roe Vs Wade: 40 Years Later (includes the film TRUTH AND HISTORY)

(Emailed to White House on 2-1-13.)

President Obama c/o The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

I know that you receive 20,000 letters a day and that you actually read 10 of them every day. I really do respect you for trying to get a pulse on what is going on out here.

I truly believe that many of the problems we have today in the USA are due to the advancement of humanism in the last few decades in our society. Ronald Reagan appointed the evangelical Dr. C. Everett Koop to the position of Surgeon General in his administration. He partnered with Dr. Francis Schaeffer in making the video below. It is very valuable information for Christians to have.  Actually I have included a video below that includes comments from him on this subject.

In the film series “WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE HUMAN RACE?” the arguments are presented  against abortion (Episode 1),  infanticide (Episode 2),   euthenasia (Episode 3), and then there is a discussion of the Christian versus Humanist worldview concerning the issue of “the basis for human dignity” in Episode 4 and then in the last episode a close look at the truth claims of the Bible

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 5) TRUTH AND HISTORY

Published on Oct 7, 2012 by

Francis Schaeffer is pictured above.

President Obama promised not to have Obamacare pay for anything to do with abortion in order to get it passed but then he changed his mind and wants now to have companies provide their employees  with health insurance that pays for abortion inducing drugs. The liberals at the Ark Times Blog may not see any problem with that but millions of Christians across this country do. This includes some large employers like Hobby Lobby.

This is from a youth pastor named Chris from Wichita Falls, TX:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Roe Vs Wade: 40 Years Later

40 years ago today, the Supreme Court ruled that abortion would become legal in this country. Abortion has been a dark stain in the United States that has cause division, anger, and even sorrow. To think that we, as nation, would uphold such a law to allow the slaughter of over 50 million unborn children just for the sake of a woman’s right because they do not want the “unexpected” child. While abortion remains legal in the United States, there is no reason for the church to be silent against it. Read the words of of R.C. Sproul Jr. from a recent post:Forty years ago US involvement in Vietnam was winding down. War in the Middle East broke out during Yom Kippur. But all was quiet on the evangelical front, when a graver, bloodier war was declared in the hallowed halls of the United States Supreme Court. January 22 the Supreme Court released their decision in Roe v. Wade. That decision, purportedly flowing from the unseen penumbra and emanations of the Constitution, ruled that no state could prevent a woman from destroying her unborn child up until the moment of birth.While the issue had been in the public eye since the beginning of the sexual revolution the evangelical church was not only less than outspoken, but less than certain on the issue. Two years before Roe the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution calling for legal abortion to protect the life of the mother, including her “emotional life.” Paul Jewett, professor of systematic theology at Fuller Seminary, was committed to the pro-abortion perspective.The evangelical pro-life movement began quietly in 1975 when Harold O.J. Brown, working with C. Everett Koop, opened the Christian Action Council. What woke the evangelical conscience, however, was Francis Schaeffer, also with Dr. Koop, releasing the video, Whatever Happened to the Human Race, in 1979. Over six million were already dead. In 1984 sitting President Ronald Reagan published Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation. Six million more were dead.In the mid 1980’s evangelicals began getting more aggressive, joining with Roman Catholics in “rescues” across the country, blocking access to abortion mills. Federal legislation, RICO and FACE, and perhaps Paul Hill put an end to rescues. Not long after the Crisis Pregnancy Center movement exploded, growing into the 1990s. By the time George W. Bush took office over thirty million babies had been murdered. Under President Bush the political planets aligned such that the White House, the House and the Senate were all under the control of Republicans. Seven of the nine Supreme Court judges were appointed under Republican presidents. Eight years into the new century and ten million more babies were dead.It is not my intent to challenge the effectiveness of any organization, any strategy, or any party. I have, in one way or another, been deeply involved in them all. Rather my intent is to highlight the deep gap between how we think about abortion forty years later, and the reality. We think in terms of strategies, movements, parties, and avert our eyes from the body parts. Strategies, movements, parties are all abstractions. The babies are real, and they are really dead. The anniversary is just a date on the calendar. The babies are dead, not fifty million of them, but one of them, fifty million times.We must be politically active. We must serve moms in crisis. We must speak prophetically to both the world and the church, remembering that one in six abortions is procured by an evangelical. First, however, we must weep. First, our hearts have to be broken, lest our pro-life activities lead us to forget. First we must repent because for a generation we have thought and acted like a movement, while every day babies are being murdered. First we must recognize that the problem isn’t how many were killed over the past forty years, but is instead how many will be killed in the next forty minutes. We must pledge not to not forget what has happened, but to not forget what is happening. Last we must remember that there is only one thing that can wash the blood from our hands, the blood from His.


Thank you so much for your time. I know how valuable it is. I also appreciate the fine family that you have and your commitment as a father and a husband.


Everette Hatcher III, 13900 Cottontail Lane, Alexander, AR 72002, ph 501-920-5733,

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Francis Schaeffer’s prayer for us in USA

 Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 1) ABORTION OF THE HUMAN RACE Published on Oct 6, 2012 by AdamMetropolis The 45 minute video above is from the film series created from Francis Schaeffer’s book “Whatever Happened to the Human Race?” with Dr. C. Everett Koop. This book  really helped develop my political views […]


Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 10 “Final Choices” (Schaeffer Sundays)

E P I S O D E 1 0   Dr. Francis Schaeffer – Episode X – Final Choices 27 min FINAL CHOICES I. Authoritarianism the Only Humanistic Social Option One man or an elite giving authoritative arbitrary absolutes. A. Society is sole absolute in absence of other absolutes. B. But society has to be […]

Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 9 “The Age of Personal Peace and Affluence” (Schaeffer Sundays)

E P I S O D E 9 Dr. Francis Schaeffer – Episode IX – The Age of Personal Peace and Affluence 27 min T h e Age of Personal Peace and Afflunce I. By the Early 1960s People Were Bombarded From Every Side by Modern Man’s Humanistic Thought II. Modern Form of Humanistic Thought Leads […]

Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 8 “The Age of Fragmentation” (Schaeffer Sundays)

E P I S O D E 8 Dr. Francis Schaeffer – Episode VIII – The Age of Fragmentation 27 min I saw this film series in 1979 and it had a major impact on me. T h e Age of FRAGMENTATION I. Art As a Vehicle Of Modern Thought A. Impressionism (Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley, […]

Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 7 “The Age of Non-Reason” (Schaeffer Sundays)

E P I S O D E 7 Dr. Francis Schaeffer – Episode VII – The Age of Non Reason I am thrilled to get this film series with you. I saw it first in 1979 and it had such a big impact on me. Today’s episode is where we see modern humanist man act […]

Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 6 “The Scientific Age” (Schaeffer Sundays)

E P I S O D E 6 How Should We Then Live 6#1 Uploaded by NoMirrorHDDHrorriMoN on Oct 3, 2011 How Should We Then Live? Episode 6 of 12 ________ I am sharing with you a film series that I saw in 1979. In this film Francis Schaeffer asserted that was a shift in […]

Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 5 “The Revolutionary Age” (Schaeffer Sundays)

E P I S O D E 5 How Should We Then Live? Episode 5: The Revolutionary Age I was impacted by this film series by Francis Schaeffer back in the 1970′s and I wanted to share it with you. Francis Schaeffer noted, “Reformation Did Not Bring Perfection. But gradually on basis of biblical teaching there […]

Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 4 “The Reformation” (Schaeffer Sundays)

Dr. Francis Schaeffer – Episode IV – The Reformation 27 min I was impacted by this film series by Francis Schaeffer back in the 1970′s and I wanted to share it with you. Schaeffer makes three key points concerning the Reformation: “1. Erasmian Christian humanism rejected by Farel. 2. Bible gives needed answers not only as to […]

“Schaeffer Sundays” Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 3 “The Renaissance”

Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 3 “The Renaissance” Francis Schaeffer: “How Should We Then Live?” (Episode 3) THE RENAISSANCE I was impacted by this film series by Francis Schaeffer back in the 1970′s and I wanted to share it with you. Schaeffer really shows why we have so […]

Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 2 “The Middle Ages” (Schaeffer Sundays)

  Francis Schaeffer: “How Should We Then Live?” (Episode 2) THE MIDDLE AGES I was impacted by this film series by Francis Schaeffer back in the 1970′s and I wanted to share it with you. Schaeffer points out that during this time period unfortunately we have the “Church’s deviation from early church’s teaching in regard […]

Francis Schaeffer’s “How should we then live?” Video and outline of episode 1 “The Roman Age” (Schaeffer Sundays)

Francis Schaeffer: “How Should We Then Live?” (Episode 1) THE ROMAN AGE   Today I am starting a series that really had a big impact on my life back in the 1970′s when I first saw it. There are ten parts and today is the first. Francis Schaeffer takes a look at Rome and why […]

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 5) TRUTH AND HISTORY

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 5) TRUTH AND HISTORY Published on Oct 7, 2012 by AdamMetropolis This crucial series is narrated by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer and former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop. Today, choices are being made that undermine human rights at their most basic level. Practices once […]

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 4) THE BASIS FOR HUMAN DIGNITY

The opening song at the beginning of this episode is very insightful. Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 4) THE BASIS FOR HUMAN DIGNITY Published on Oct 7, 2012 by AdamMetropolis This crucial series is narrated by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer and former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop. Today, choices […]

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 3) DEATH BY SOMEONE’S CHOICE

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 3) DEATH BY SOMEONE’S CHOICE Published on Oct 6, 2012 by AdamMetropolis This crucial series is narrated by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer and former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop. Today, choices are being made that undermine human rights at their most basic level. Practices […]

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race?” (Episode 2) SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race?” (Episode 2) SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS Published on Oct 6, 2012 by AdamMetropolis This crucial series is narrated by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer and former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop. Today, choices are being made that undermine human rights at their most basic level. Practices […]


Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 1) ABORTION OF THE HUMAN RACE

It is not possible to know where the pro-life evangelicals are coming from unless you look at the work of the person who inspired them the most. That person was Francis Schaeffer.  I do care about economic issues but the pro-life issue is the most important to me. Several years ago Adrian Rogers (past president of […]

The following essay explores the role that Francis Schaeffer played in the rise of the pro-life movement. It examines the place of How Should We Then Live?, Whatever Happened to the Human Race?, and A Christian Manifesto in that process.

This essay below is worth the read. Schaeffer, Francis – “Francis Schaeffer and the Pro-Life Movement” [How Should We Then Live?, Whatever Happened to the Human Race?, A Christian Manifesto] Editor note: <p> </p> [The following essay explores the role that Francis Schaeffer played in the rise of the pro-life movement.  It examines the place of […]

Who was Francis Schaeffer? by Udo Middelmann

Great article on Schaeffer. Who was Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer? By Francis Schaeffer The unique contribution of Dr. Francis Schaeffer on a whole generation was the ability to communicate the truth of historic Biblical Christianity in a way that combined intellectual integrity with practical, loving care. This grew out of his extensive understanding of the Bible […]

“Sanctity of Life Saturday” Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 24 (includes editorial cartoon)

C. Everett Koop on being Surgeon General

Uploaded on Nov 3, 2008

Dr. Koop shares his journey to becoming Surgeon General in Part 1 of this interview at Wheaton College, IL.



On 2-25-13 we lost a great man when we lost Dr. C. Everett Koop. I have written over and over the last few years quoting Dr. C. Everett Koop and his good friend Francis Schaeffer. They both came together for the first time in 1973 when Dr. Koop operated on Schaeffer’s daughter and as a result they became close friends. That led to their involvement together in the book and film series “WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE HUMAN RACE?” in 1979.

Profile: C. Everett Koop


C. Everett Koop was a participant or observer in the following events:


Conservative syndicated columnist Cal Thomas uses a recent editorial by health care industry lobbyist Betsy McCaughey (see February 9, 2009) to accuse the Obama administration of planning a “euthanasia” program to exterminate hapless Americans. President Obama’s economic stimulus plan, Thomas writes, “means the government will decide who gets life-saving treatment and who doesn’t. It is survival of the fittest in practice.” Thomas then writes that the Obama administration’s support of legal abortions will inevitably lead to “euthanasia” of older and less productive citizens. He quotes a 1979 book by theologian Francis Schaeffer and future Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, Whatever Happened to the Human Race? as saying, “Will a society which has assumed the right to kill infants in the womb—because they are unwanted, imperfect, or merely inconvenient—have difficulty in assuming the right to kill other human beings, especially older adults who are judged unwanted, deemed imperfect physically or mentally, or considered a possible social nuisance?” Thomas then writes, “No one should be surprised at the coming embrace of euthanasia.” Schaeffer and Koop’s prediction that “the next candidates for arbitrary reclassification as nonpersons are the elderly” now “seems to be coming true,” Thomas writes. He also repeats a claim from the 92-year-old Koop that in 1988, he had suffered from an ailment that temporarily paralyzed him. Under Britain’s government-run health care, Koop claims, “I would have been nine years too old to have the surgery that saved my life and gave me another 21 years.” Soon, Thomas writes, “dying will become a patriotic duty when the patient’s balance sheet shows a deficit.”


In the film series “WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE HUMAN RACE?” the arguments are presented  against abortion (Episode 1),  infanticide (Episode 2),   euthenasia (Episode 3), and then there is a discussion of the Christian versus Humanist worldview concerning the issue of “the basis for human dignity” in Episode 4 and then in the last episode a close look at the truth claims of the Bible

In this 1979 film series they dealt with the big social issues and predicted what social problems we have in the future because of humanism. For instance, they knew that the Jack Kevorkians of the world would be coming down the pike. They predicted that there was a slippery slope from abortion to infanticide to youth euthanasia brought on by the materialistic worldview.

Dr. C. Everett Koop is pictured above.

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 1) ABORTION OF THE HUMAN RACE

Published on Oct 6, 2012 by

It is sad that over 55 million unborn babies have been aborted in this country. This editorial cartoon makes a very good point.




The End Is Not the End


Dennis Brack / Newscom

C. Everett Koop
Dr. Koop

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Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 12 (with editorial cartoon)

Dr. C. Everett Koop on Baby Doe, euthanasia, abortion Uploaded on Nov 3, 2008 Dr. Koop answers questions on Baby Doe, euthanasia and abortion during interview at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL Dr. Koop   On 2-25-13 we lost a great man when we lost Dr. C. Everett Koop. I have written over and over […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 11 (including editorial cartoon on abortion)

Dr. Koop Memorial Tribute Former Surgeon General C.Everett Koop © A Genuine G-Shot.wmv On 2-25-13 we lost a great man when we lost Dr. C. Everett Koop. I have written over and over the last few years quoting Dr. C. Everett Koop and his good friend Francis Schaeffer. They both came together for the first […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 10 (includes editorial cartoon about abortion)

Newsmaker Interview with Surgeon General C. Everett Koop Published on Feb 25, 2013 The PBS NewsHour interviewed former Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop, on the anniversary of the first surgeon general’s report on smoking. Jim Lehrer interviewed Koop for a newsmaker conversation for the The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour from the surgeon general’s office in Washington […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 9 (Picture of Joycelyn Elders with Koop)

Dr. C. Everett Koop on Baby Doe, euthanasia, abortion Uploaded on Nov 3, 2008 Dr. Koop answers questions on Baby Doe, euthanasia and abortion during interview at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL Dr. Koop   Joycelyn Elders was the first black Surgeon General of the USA and I have a picture of her with Dr. C. […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 8 (editorial picture about Surgeon General)

Memorial Tribute Former Surgeon General C.Everett Koop © A Genuine G-Shot.wmv Dr. Koop. C. Everett Koop Before Dr. C. Everett Koop arrived in 1981 as Surgeon General could anybody ever name who the Surgeon General was? Koop also caused lots of editorial cartoons to be drawn about him because of his positions he took on […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 7 (Public Health poster)

Newsmaker Interview with Surgeon General C. Everett Koop Published on Feb 25, 2013 The PBS NewsHour interviewed former Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop, on the anniversary of the first surgeon general’s report on smoking. Jim Lehrer interviewed Koop for a newsmaker conversation for the The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour from the surgeon general’s office in Washington […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 6 (includes funniest cartoon ever during Koop’s tenure)

Dr. C. Everett Koop on Baby Doe, euthanasia, abortion Uploaded on Nov 3, 2008 Dr. Koop answers questions on Baby Doe, euthanasia and abortion during interview at Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL Dr. Koop. C. Everett Koop On June 8, 1988 Ralph Dunagin of the LA Times came out with the funniest editorial cartoon I […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 5 (Public Health poster developed under Koop)

Memorial Tribute Former Surgeon General C.Everett Koop © A Genuine G-Shot.wmv Dr. C. Everett Koop was active on getting the word out about how people could catch AIDS. Public Health officials during the second half of the 1980s became concerned about the spread of AIDS particularly among minorities, a disproportionate number of whom were intravenous […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 4 (funny editorial cartoon too)

Dr. Koop Gary Brookings of the Richmond Times Dispatch did a very funny editorial cartoon about the time in 1988 when Dr. C. Everett Koop sent the unapproved mail  piece out to millions of homes about AIDS. There were many such cartoons at the time since everyone knew Dr. Koop got the mail piece out […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 3 ( three more editorial cartoons too)

Dr. Koop with Hillary Clinton In 1980 I really was influenced at my highschool by a teacher of mine named Mark Brink. He introduced me to the film series “Whatever happened to the human race?” by Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop. In this  film series that came out in 1979 they dealt with […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 2 (Doonesbury cartoon by Gary Trudeau included)

Dr. Koop On 2-25-13 we lost a great man when we lost Dr. C. Everett Koop. I have written over and over the last few years quoting Dr. C. Everett Koop and his good friend Francis Schaeffer. They both came together for the first time in 1973 when Dr. Koop operated on Schaeffer’s daughter and […]

Remembering Dr. C. Everett Koop with pictures and quotes Part 1

Dr. C. Everett Koop is pictured above. Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 1) ABORTION OF THE HUMAN RACE Published on Oct 6, 2012 by AdamMetropolis Dr. Koop On 2-25-13 we lost a great man when we lost Dr. C. Everett Koop. I have written over and over the last few years […]


Open letter to President Obama (Part 232 B) Dr. C. Everett Koop and Reagan pictured together

Dr. C. Everett Koop with Ronald Reagan. Dr. Koop was delayed in his confirmation by Ted Kennedy because of his film Whatever Happened to the Human Race? President Obama c/o The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President, I know that you receive 20,000 letters a day and that you […]

“Sanctity of Life Saturday” Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop asked Reagan to issue pro-life proclamation in 1983 (includes video ABORTION OF THE HUMAN RACE)

In the film series “WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE HUMAN RACE?” the arguments are presented  against abortion (Episode 1),  infanticide (Episode 2),   euthenasia (Episode 3), and then there is a discussion of the Christian versus Humanist worldview concerning the issue of “the basis for human dignity” in Episode 4 and then in the last episode a close […]

Dr. C. Everett Koop on abortion’s 1973 Roe v. Wade impact on child abuse

Dr. C. Everett Koop with Ronald Reagan. Dr. Koop was delayed in his confirmation by Ted Kennedy because of his film Whatever Happened to the Human Race? Watch the film below starting at the 19 minute mark and that will lead into a powerful question from Dr. C. Everett Koop. This 1979 film is WHATEVER […]

Open letter to President Obama (Part 221 B) Dr. C. Everett Koop and Francis Schaeffer rightly called abortion “the watershed issue of our era”

 Dr. Koop was delayed in his confirmation by Ted Kennedy because of his film Whatever Happened to the Human Race? Francis Schaeffer February 21, 1982 (Part 1) Uploaded by DeBunker7 on Feb 21, 2008 READ THIS FIRST: In decline of all civilizations we first see a war against the freedom of ideas. Discussion is limited […]

Francis Schaeffer and C. Everette Koop on the Hippocratic oath (March for Life January 20, 2013)

Dr. C. Everett Koop was appointed to the Reagan administration but was held up in the Senate in his confirmation hearings by Ted Kennedy because of his work in pro-life causes. I was thinking about the March for Life that is coming up on Jan 20, 2013  and that is why I posted this today […]

Ronald Wilson Reagan pictured with Dr. C. Everett Koop

High resolution version (11,426,583 Bytes) Description: The photograph is signed by President Ronald Reagan with the inscription “To Chick Koop, With Best Wishes.” Chick, from chicken coop, was the nickname Koop gained will attending Dartmouth College in the mid-1930s. Koop maintained a cordial relationship with President Reagan, despite his disappointment over Reagan’s refusal to address […]

Francis Schaeffer and C. Everett Koop were prophetic (jh29)

Francis Schaeffer and C. Everett Koop were prophetic (jh29) What Ever Happened to the Human Race? I recently heard this Breakpoint Commentary by Chuck Colson and it just reminded me of how prophetic Francis Schaeffer and C. Everett Koop were in the late 1970′s with their book and film series “Whatever happened to the human […]

Should Michele Bachmann be punished for taking pro-life views from Schaeffer and Koop? (March for Life January 20, 2013)

  Dr. C. Everett Koop I was thinking about the March for Life that is coming up on Jan 20, 2013  and that is why I posted this today Secular leaps of faith 39 Comments Written by Janie B. Cheaney August 15, 2011, 2:17 PM I’m willing to cut Ryan Lizza some slack. His profile […]

“Schaeffer Sundays” Francis Schaeffer’s own words concerning humanism and its bad results

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race?” (Episode 2) SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS Published on Oct 6, 2012 by AdamMetropolis The 45 minute video above is from the film series created from Francis Schaeffer’s book “Whatever Happened to the Human Race?” with Dr. C. Everett Koop. This book  really helped develop my political views concerning […]

“Sanctity of Life Saturday”:Derek Melleby’s review of the book “Francis Schaeffer: An Authentic Life” (includes film THE BASIS FOR HUMAN DIGNITY)

  I truly believe that many of the problems we have today in the USA are due to the advancement of humanism in the last few decades in our society. Ronald Reagan appointed the evangelical Dr. C. Everett Koop to the position of Surgeon General in his administration. He partnered with Dr. Francis Schaeffer in making […]

Taking on Ark Times bloggers about abortion on the 40th anniversary date of Roe v. Wade (Part 5) “Slavery issue compared to rights of unborn child”

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Taking on Ark Times bloggers about abortion on the 40th anniversary date of Roe v. Wade (Part 4) “How do pro-lifers react to the movie THE CIDER HOUSE RULES?”

Francis Schaeffer pictured above._________ The best pro-life film I have ever seen below by Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop “Whatever happened to the human race?” Over the years I have taken on the Ark Times liberal bloggers over and over and over concerning the issue of abortion. I asked over and over again […]

Taking on Ark Times bloggers about abortion on the 40th anniversary date of Roe v. Wade (Part 3) “What should be the punishment for abortion doctors?”

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Taking on Ark Times bloggers about abortion on the 40th anniversary date of Roe v. Wade (Part 2) “The pro-abortion child abuse argument destroyed here”

PHOTO BY STATON BREIDENTHAL from Pro-life march in Little Rock on 1-20-13. Tim Tebow on pro-life super bowl commercial. Over the years I have taken on the Ark Times liberal bloggers over and over and over concerning the issue of abortion. Here is another encounter below. On January 22, 2013 (on the 40th anniversary of the […]

Taking on Ark Times bloggers about abortion on the 40th anniversary date of Roe v. Wade (Part 6) For many pro-abortionists ” …the problem is not determining when actual human life begins, but when the value of that life begins to out weigh other considerations”

The best pro-life film I have ever seen below by Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop “Whatever happened to the human race?” Francis Schaeffer pictured above._________ The 45 minute video above is from the film series created from Francis Schaeffer’s book “Whatever Happened to the Human Race?” with Dr. C. Everett Koop. This book  really […]

Taking on Ark Times bloggers about abortion on the 40th anniversary date of Roe v. Wade (Part 7) “Poverty not good reason for abortion, why not give up for adoption?”

Dr Richard Land discusses abortion and slavery – 10/14/2004 – part 3 The best pro-life film I have ever seen below by Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop “Whatever happened to the human race?” Over the years I have taken on the Ark Times liberal bloggers over and over and over concerning the issue […]

Taking on Ark Times bloggers about abortion on the 40th anniversary date of Roe v. Wade (Part 1)

Dr Richard Land discusses abortion and slavery – 10/14/2004 – part 3 The best pro-life film I have ever seen below by Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop “Whatever happened to the human race?” Over the years I have taken on the Ark Times liberal bloggers over and over and over concerning the issue […]

Paul Greenberg became pro-life because we are all “endowed with certain unalienable rights”

On January 20, 2013 I heard Paul Greenberg talk about the words of Thomas Jefferson that we are all “endowed with certain unalienable rights” and the most important one is the right to life. He mentioned this also in this speech below from 2011: Paul Greenberg Dinner Speech 2011 Fall 2011 Issue Some of you […]

How Pulitzer Prize-winning Paul Greenberg, one of the most respected and honored commentators in America, changed his mind about abortion and endorses now the pro-life view

It is not possible to know where the pro-life evangelicals are coming from unless you look at the work of the person who inspired them the most. That person was Francis Schaeffer.  I do care about economic issues but the pro-life issue is the most important to me. Several years ago Adrian Rogers (past president of […]


Melvin Pickens “the Broom Man” of Little Rock does a great job on the CBS EVENING NEWS Interview with Steve Hartman!!!!

I couldn’t be more proud of my good friend Melvin Pickens tonight. He showed how people with handicaps can overcome huge odds and work hard with a positive attitude and do amazing things in their life. At age 81 Melvin is still working hard. Not many people know that he is a cancer survivor too. He always had a great politeness about him but he is persistent too and I think that came through in the interview tonight.

On the Road: 81-year-old salesman sweeps customers off their feet

Published on Sep 20, 2013

As part of our continuing series “On the Road,” Steve Hartman meets an 81-year-old salesman who’s been in business for over six decades selling one simple product that everyone needs.


September 20, 2013 7:27 PM

Business is “brooming” for 81-year-old traveling salesman

Steve Hartman

(CBS News) LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Do you need a new broom? A lot of folks who don’t think they do wind up buying one anyway from the man we met…”on the road.”

“Yeah, I’m doing real good this morning,” said Melvin Pickens, who, at 81, doesn’t need to work. Being legally blind, he never had to work much.

But Melvin still works — as a traveling salesman. “I just can’t sit around and not do nothing,” he explained.

According to family, Melvin Pickens, now 81, started selling brooms around 1950 — worked six days a week to support his wife and their four children at the time.

/ CBS News

With the help of a caretaker friend, Melvin goes around to businesses in Little Rock, Arkansas, asking the owners and their customers to buy one of his brooms. That’s basically all he sells — $10 brooms.

“I’d say about 20-25 years,” said Melvin of the number of years he’s been doing this. “Well, I’m just estimating.

However, it may be that Melvin is estimating way off because we heard he’s been doing this 63 years. “It’s hard to say,” said Melvin. “I’ve been doing it so long.”

According to family, Melvin started selling brooms around 1950 and worked six days a week to support his wife and their four children. His wife has since died and the kids are grown, but that work ethic just will not go away.

In fact, some people say he’s the best salesman they’ve ever seen. “He’s got a special magic about him,” said one customer.

Melvin Pickens,

One of Melvin Pickens’ customers.

/ CBS News

“You just can hardly turn him down,” said another.

Not that people don’t try to say no — they just rarely get away with it.

“I don’t need one today because I’ve already got one,” Mary Clare Brierley told Melvin. “But I may need one next week.”

“You know what, you ought to just buy today,” Melvin told her. “I might not see you next week.”

Sale closed.

“I don’t think you can approach him and not buy one,” Brierley later told us.

She got one and so did another person. At this point, Little Rock has got to be the best swept city in America or maybe just one the kindest.

Or maybe people here simply like having him around as a living example.

“You can’t quit,” said Melvin. “A quitter never wins and a winner never quits, you know.”

To contact On the Road, or to send us a story idea, e-mail us.


Lots of people across the USA are wondering what red handle broom Melvin Pickens sells in Little Rock and it is the Airlight  made by Little Rock Broom Works! There is a website that tells all about the Airlight Broom. Melvin’s family has set up an email for Melvin for those who want brooms and it is .  Below is more details from KTHV’s website on how to order the Airlight Broom.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV) – Melvin “The Broom Man” Pickens has been getting some extra attention these days. While business owners and visitors to The Heights and Hillcrest areas of Little Rock have been loyal customers for many years, local and national media attention over the last couple of months has put his locally-famous brooms in much higher demand.

Now, for folks who can’t make it to The Heights and Hillcrest, there are options for you to get your hands on a Broom Man broom.

Shipmates Postal in Little Rock has agreed to sell and brooms and mops for The Broom Man. Folks can stop by and purchase them from the store or arrange for them to be shipped.

Shipmates Postal
6834 Cantrell Rd.
Little Rock , AR 72207
Phone: 501-663-6888

Previous THV Stories on The Broom Man:

Finding The Broom Man: Where is he now? (

CBS’ Steve Hartman in Little Rock to feature The Broom Man (


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Melvin Pickens “the Broom Man” of Little Rock does a great job on the CBS EVENING NEWS Interview with Steve Hartman!!!!

I couldn’t be more proud of my good friend Melvin Pickens tonight. He showed how people with handicaps can overcome huge odds and work hard with a positive attitude and do amazing things in their life. At age 81 Melvin is still working hard. Not many people know that he is a cancer survivor too. […]

KTHV reports how to order the Airlight Broom from Melvin Pickens of Little Rock?

Lots of people across the USA are wondering what red handle broom Melvin Pickens sells in Little Rock and it is the Airlight  made by Little Rock Broom Works! There is a website, that tells all about the Airlight Broom. Melvin’s family has set up an email for Melvin for those who want brooms […]

In Little Rock Melvin Pickens “the Broom Man” sells Airlight Broom made by Little Rock Broom Works!

Melvin Pickens was featured on CBS EVENING NEWS tonight and he did a great job. Lots of people across the USA are wondering what red handle broom Melvin Pickens sells in Little Rock and it is the Airlight  made by Little Rock Broom Works! There is a website, that tells all about the Airlight […]

Article from Talk Business on Melvin Pickens the Broom Man in Little Rock

Another article on Melvin Pickens the Little Rock Broom Man: Broom Man Talk Business Quarterly 2nd Quarter 2009 By eric Francis TBQ Contributing Writer His name is Melvin Pickins. Many of his most loyal customers don’t even know that. To them he’s the Broom Man. Or the Broom Guy. Or Mister B. “They call me […]

Melvin Pickens the Broom Man in Little Rock

Here is a picture that appeared in Ark Times today: Brian Chilson ON THE JOB: Melvin Pickens strolls Kavanaugh in a 2011 photo. Melvin Pickens has shown up at Little Rock Broom Works almost every afternoon for about 60 years to purchase brooms and then a few months ago he went into the hospital. I […]

Grady Fish Fry is a big success in 2013!!!!!!

Grady Fish Fry Published on Aug 15, 2013 We visit the annual fish fry at Hardin Farms in Grady, Ark., where the hushpuppies are popping, the Cummins band is playing and the politicians are plentiful. We have brief chat with Arkansas House District 16 candidate Ken Ferguson. ____________________ I had a good visit down at  the […]

TV NEWS STORY “Finding the Broom Man; where is he now?”

We have written about our friend Melvin Pickens several times before and this article below shows how positive Melvin is. He has gone through so many challenges but he has always looked for the sunny day. Here is a story from channel 11 in Little Rock:      Finding the Broom Man; where is he […]

Video clips and pictures from the new film “42″ and documentary of Jackie Robinson

42 Interview – Chadwick Boseman (2013) – Jackie Robinson Movie HD 42 Trailer 42 Interview – Harrison Ford (2013) Jackie Robinson Movie HD 42 Official Trailer #2 You can find more movies and pictures from this link: ’42′ Jackie Robinson Movie Releases New Images Posted on March 22, 2013 by Shawn S. Lealos Great […]

Top football stadiums in the country (Part 4)

Rice 27 BYU 14 (1997 2nd half) Here is a list of the top football stadiums in the country. Power Ranking All 124 College Football Stadiums   By Alex Callos (Featured Columnist) on April 19, 2012  When it comes to college football stadiums, for some teams, it is simply not fair. Home-field advantage is a big […]

Former Razorback Football Coach Ken Hatfield speaks at First Bapt Little Rock May 4, 2011 (Part 1, mentions Branch Rickey and Don McClanen)

This is the pregame broadcast of the Arkansas-Texas game at Razorback Stadium in 1985. It features both the Razorback and Lonhorn bands and the 1964 punt return by Ken Hatfield. I got to hear former Arkansas Razorback Football Coach Ken Hatfield speak and it was very encouraging and enjoyable. The “Zone Luncheon” is held the […]

By Everette Hatcher III | Posted in Adrian Rogers | Edit | Comments (0

KTHV reports how to order the Airlight Broom from Melvin Pickens of Little Rock?

On the Road: 81-year-old salesman sweeps customers off their feet

Published on Sep 20, 2013

As part of our continuing series “On the Road,” Steve Hartman meets an 81-year-old salesman who’s been in business for over six decades selling one simple product that everyone needs.


Melvin Pickens,

CBS EVENING NEWS video of Melvin Pickens from 9-20-13

Lots of people across the USA are wondering what red handle broom Melvin Pickens sells in Little Rock and it is the Airlight  made by Little Rock Broom Works! There is a website that tells all about the Airlight Broom. Melvin’s family has set up an email for Melvin for those who want brooms and it is .  Below is more details from KTHV’s website on how to order the Airlight Broom.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV) – Melvin “The Broom Man” Pickens has been getting some extra attention these days. While business owners and visitors to The Heights and Hillcrest areas of Little Rock have been loyal customers for many years, local and national media attention over the last couple of months has put his locally-famous brooms in much higher demand.

Now, for folks who can’t make it to The Heights and Hillcrest, there are options for you to get your hands on a Broom Man broom.

Shipmates Postal in Little Rock has agreed to sell and brooms and mops for The Broom Man. Folks can stop by and purchase them from the store or arrange for them to be shipped.

Shipmates Postal
6834 Cantrell Rd.
Little Rock , AR 72207
Phone: 501-663-6888

Previous THV Stories on The Broom Man:

Finding The Broom Man: Where is he now? (

CBS’ Steve Hartman in Little Rock to feature The Broom Man (


Related posts:

Article from Talk Business on Melvin Pickens the Broom Man in Little Rock

Another article on Melvin Pickens the Little Rock Broom Man: Broom Man Talk Business Quarterly 2nd Quarter 2009 By eric Francis TBQ Contributing Writer His name is Melvin Pickins. Many of his most loyal customers don’t even know that. To them he’s the Broom Man. Or the Broom Guy. Or Mister B. “They call me […]

Melvin Pickens the Broom Man in Little Rock

Here is a picture that appeared in Ark Times today: Brian Chilson ON THE JOB: Melvin Pickens strolls Kavanaugh in a 2011 photo. Melvin Pickens has shown up at Little Rock Broom Works almost every afternoon for about 60 years to purchase brooms and then a few months ago he went into the hospital. I […]

Grady Fish Fry is a big success in 2013!!!!!!

Grady Fish Fry Published on Aug 15, 2013 We visit the annual fish fry at Hardin Farms in Grady, Ark., where the hushpuppies are popping, the Cummins band is playing and the politicians are plentiful. We have brief chat with Arkansas House District 16 candidate Ken Ferguson. ____________________ I had a good visit down at  the […]

TV NEWS STORY “Finding the Broom Man; where is he now?”

We have written about our friend Melvin Pickens several times before and this article below shows how positive Melvin is. He has gone through so many challenges but he has always looked for the sunny day. Here is a story from channel 11 in Little Rock:      Finding the Broom Man; where is he […]

Video clips and pictures from the new film “42″ and documentary of Jackie Robinson

42 Interview – Chadwick Boseman (2013) – Jackie Robinson Movie HD 42 Trailer 42 Interview – Harrison Ford (2013) Jackie Robinson Movie HD 42 Official Trailer #2 You can find more movies and pictures from this link: ’42′ Jackie Robinson Movie Releases New Images Posted on March 22, 2013 by Shawn S. Lealos Great […]

Top football stadiums in the country (Part 4)

Rice 27 BYU 14 (1997 2nd half) Here is a list of the top football stadiums in the country. Power Ranking All 124 College Football Stadiums   By Alex Callos (Featured Columnist) on April 19, 2012  When it comes to college football stadiums, for some teams, it is simply not fair. Home-field advantage is a big […]

Former Razorback Football Coach Ken Hatfield speaks at First Bapt Little Rock May 4, 2011 (Part 1, mentions Branch Rickey and Don McClanen)

This is the pregame broadcast of the Arkansas-Texas game at Razorback Stadium in 1985. It features both the Razorback and Lonhorn bands and the 1964 punt return by Ken Hatfield. I got to hear former Arkansas Razorback Football Coach Ken Hatfield speak and it was very encouraging and enjoyable. The “Zone Luncheon” is held the […]

By Everette Hatcher III | Posted in Adrian Rogers | Edit | Comments (0

In Little Rock Melvin Pickens “the Broom Man” sells Airlight Broom made by Little Rock Broom Works!

Melvin Pickens,

On the Road: 81-year-old salesman sweeps customers off their feet

Published on Sep 20, 2013

As part of our continuing series “On the Road,” Steve Hartman meets an 81-year-old salesman who’s been in business for over six decades selling one simple product that everyone needs.


Melvin Pickens was featured on CBS EVENING NEWS tonight and he did a great job( CBS EVENING NEWS video of Melvin Pickens from 9-20-13 ) Lots of people across the USA are wondering what red handle broom Melvin Pickens sells in Little Rock and it is the Airlight  made by Little Rock Broom Works! There is a website that tells all about the Airlight Broom. Melvin’s family has set up an email for Melvin for those who want brooms and it is  Melvinthebroomman@gmail.comHere is an article that came out today that does a great job giving more details about Melvin and the Airlight Broom:

_____ Arkansas ‘Broom Man’ Makes National News

September 19th, 2013

Numerous news stories have circulated in Arkansas in recent years on Melvin Pickens – our beloved “Broom Man.”  You have probably seen him as a fixture in the Heights for years selling his brooms.  The Arkansas Democrat Gazette had a big spread on him over the weekend.

Now it looks like national news has taken an interest in his story of hard work and overcoming the struggles of life.  Everette Hatcher runs the company from which Pickens buys his brooms, Little Rock Broom Works.  He tells me that Steve Hartman was in town interviewing Pickens for a segment he believes will air nationally on Friday at 5:30 p.m. on CBS Evening News for their “On The Road” segment.

Hatcher recalls the day some 30 years ago when he first met Pickens selling brooms at Shipley Donuts.  Pickens did not know Hatcher owned the company where he bought his brooms.

“Melvin was at Shipley Donuts on Cantrell Road back on a Saturday morning in 1983 and I was there with my wife Jill Sawyer Hatcher. We were dating back then. He approached our table and asked if we wanted to buy a broom for $7. I told him that was a healthy profit, and he said that he only made a few cents off of that. Then I revealed who I was and we got a laugh out of it,” recalls Hatcher.

The friendship was formed between the two and some running jokes have developed over the years including selling the brooms to “Jim.”

“I have always had a stack of brooms that have scratches on the handles and we sell them to Melvin at a discount. On one occasion, I had been out of town and the five dozen of cheaper brooms had been sold during that time to Melvin, but when I got back on Monday, Melvin showed up and asked me if there were any cheap brooms,” said Hatcher. “I replied that I thought we had some, but Jim Howard must have bought them. Little did I know that Jim Howard had died a few months earlier. Melvin told me that if Jim Howard had come back from the dead and bought those brooms, then he wanted nothing to do with Little Rock Broom Works any more.”

After that, Hatcher would always threaten to sell any extra discounted broom inventory to “Jim” if Pickens did not buy them.

But Hatcher says that it clear Pickens is a businessman – keeping track of his profit margin and discussing which broom his customers would like best.  Hatcher tells me that a few years ago he got Perkins to switch to a different brand – the red handle Airlight Broom – that does a much better job sweeping without leaving anything behind.  “When he did, it approximately doubled his sales,” said Hatcher.

Hatcher also tells a story of noticing that Pickens was a Dodger fan. He asked him how that came to be in an area filled with Cardinals, Rangers, and Braves fans.

“He told me that he has been a fan of the Dodgers ever since he was a 10th grader at Henry Clay Yerger High School in Hope when Branch Rickey of the Brooklyn Dodgers stood up to the other baseball owners and brought Jackie Robinson onto the team,” said Hatcher.

These stories are just a few of many from those who know the “Broom Man.”  He is a rich part of Little Rock folklore, and I am looking forward to seeing them shared with the nation.


Related posts:

Article from Talk Business on Melvin Pickens the Broom Man in Little Rock

Another article on Melvin Pickens the Little Rock Broom Man: Broom Man Talk Business Quarterly 2nd Quarter 2009 By eric Francis TBQ Contributing Writer His name is Melvin Pickins. Many of his most loyal customers don’t even know that. To them he’s the Broom Man. Or the Broom Guy. Or Mister B. “They call me […]

Melvin Pickens the Broom Man in Little Rock

Here is a picture that appeared in Ark Times today: Brian Chilson ON THE JOB: Melvin Pickens strolls Kavanaugh in a 2011 photo. Melvin Pickens has shown up at Little Rock Broom Works almost every afternoon for about 60 years to purchase brooms and then a few months ago he went into the hospital. I […]

Grady Fish Fry is a big success in 2013!!!!!!

Grady Fish Fry Published on Aug 15, 2013 We visit the annual fish fry at Hardin Farms in Grady, Ark., where the hushpuppies are popping, the Cummins band is playing and the politicians are plentiful. We have brief chat with Arkansas House District 16 candidate Ken Ferguson. ____________________ I had a good visit down at  the […]

TV NEWS STORY “Finding the Broom Man; where is he now?”

We have written about our friend Melvin Pickens several times before and this article below shows how positive Melvin is. He has gone through so many challenges but he has always looked for the sunny day. Here is a story from channel 11 in Little Rock:      Finding the Broom Man; where is he […]

Video clips and pictures from the new film “42″ and documentary of Jackie Robinson

42 Interview – Chadwick Boseman (2013) – Jackie Robinson Movie HD 42 Trailer 42 Interview – Harrison Ford (2013) Jackie Robinson Movie HD 42 Official Trailer #2 You can find more movies and pictures from this link: ’42′ Jackie Robinson Movie Releases New Images Posted on March 22, 2013 by Shawn S. Lealos Great […]

Top football stadiums in the country (Part 4)

Rice 27 BYU 14 (1997 2nd half) Here is a list of the top football stadiums in the country. Power Ranking All 124 College Football Stadiums   By Alex Callos (Featured Columnist) on April 19, 2012  When it comes to college football stadiums, for some teams, it is simply not fair. Home-field advantage is a big […]

Former Razorback Football Coach Ken Hatfield speaks at First Bapt Little Rock May 4, 2011 (Part 1, mentions Branch Rickey and Don McClanen)

This is the pregame broadcast of the Arkansas-Texas game at Razorback Stadium in 1985. It features both the Razorback and Lonhorn bands and the 1964 punt return by Ken Hatfield. I got to hear former Arkansas Razorback Football Coach Ken Hatfield speak and it was very encouraging and enjoyable. The “Zone Luncheon” is held the […]

Thomas Paine wrote, “There are two distinct classes of men in the nation, those who pay taxes, and those who receive and live upon the taxes.”

Funding Government by the Minute

Published on Mar 28, 2012

At the rate the federal government spends, it runs out of money on July 31. What programs should be cut to balance the budget and fund the government for the remaining five months of the year? Cutting NASA might buy two days; cutting the Navy could buy fifteen. It seems that balancing the budget may require more than just cutting government programs. What should be done?


It is truly sad to me that so much of our money is taken by the federal government. Our founding fathers believed in small limited government. It seems that our President wants to play Santa Claus.
January 11, 2013 9:31AM

How Washington Grows Rich

I see that I’m quoted in Annie Lowrey’s New York Times Magazine story, “Washington’s Economic Boom, Financed by You”:

David Boaz, executive vice president of the Cato Institute, told me: “Washington’s economy is based on the confiscation and transfer of wealth produced elsewhere. Out in the country they’re growing food, building cars and designing software — all these things that raise our standard of living. Here in Washington, everyone is writing memos to each other about how to take some of that money and which special interest should get it.” I asked him if he liked living in the city, which has become undeniably nicer. Boaz sputtered a bit. “I can’t walk to lunch from my office without having to avoid the construction projects!” he said. “For Washington, it does mean better restaurants and better entertainment, and the potholes get filled faster. But for the country as a whole? I don’t think it’s a good thing for America.”

I’m confident I didn’t sputter, but otherwise this sounds right. I’ve been writing about the wealth of the Washington area and where it comes from for years.

In 2005 I wrote about – yes – the construction projects that block my way to lunch in a “big-government building boom.”

In 2006 I leaned on Waymon and Willie to offer some advice to parents:

Mammas, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys,

Don’t let ’em make software and sell people trucks,

Make ’em be bureaucrats and fed’rals and such.

Here are a few other links to discussions of Washington’s wealth, starting with the most recent news:

I focused on why money flows to Washington way back in 1983 in the Wall Street Journal:

Business people know that you have to invest to make money. Businesses invest in factories, labor, research and development, marketing, and all the other processes that bring goods to consumers and, they hope, lead to profits. They also invest in political processes that may yield profits.

If more money can be made by investing in Washington than by drilling another oil well, money will be spent there.

Nobel laureate F.A. Hayek explained the process 40 years ago in his prophetic book The Road to Serfdom: “As the coercive power of the state will alone decide who is to have what, the only power worth having will be a share in the exercise of this directing power.”

As the size and power of government increase, we can expect more of society’s resources to be directed toward influencing government.

And all of this relates to an idea I discussed in Libertarianism: A Primer:

Libertarians developed a pre-Marxist class analysis that divided society into two basic classes: those who produced wealth and those who took it by force from others.  Thomas Paine, for instance, wrote, “There are two distinct classes of men in the nation, those who pay taxes, and those who receive and live upon the taxes.”  Similarly, Jefferson wrote in 1824, “We have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.”  Modern libertarians defend the right of productive people to keep what they earn, against a New Class of politicians and bureaucrats who would seize their earnings to transfer them to nonproducers.

Sheldon Richman has more on this libertarian class analysis that focused on “conflict between producers, no matter their station, and the parasitic political classes, both inside and outside the formal state,” or “between the tax-payers and tax-eaters.”


President Obama plays Santa Claus but you played for the presents!!!

During previous Christmas seasons, I’ve shared some holiday humor.

This year, let’s enjoy a bunch of good cartoons.

Lisa Benson start our list, with this recognition of Time’s Man of the year. It’s so nice of the President to give away other’s people’s money.

Cartoon Christmas 1

And since Obama’s currently threatening to take the nation over the fiscal cliff unless he gets some class warfare tax policy, this Lisa Benson holiday cartoon from last year is worth sharing as well.

The second cartoon has the same theme.

Cartoon Christmas 2

The magnificent Chuck Asay offers this gem, with a message similar to one he produced earlier this year.

Cartoon Christmas 3

Asay also did a Christmas-themed cartoon last year.

Jerry Holbert provides this funny – but not so funny if you think about it – cartoon.

Cartoon Christmas 4

Here’s a good one from Glenn McCoy. This cartoon is a pretty good summary of how politics really works.

Cartoon Christmas 5

P.S. Here’s a bonus section. I can’t resist being a proud dad and sharing this family photo. It was taken while we had a meal break during some Christmas shopping.

December 2012

Not a bad brood, if I can offer an unbiased assessment.

My kids have made other appearances on the blog – here, here, here, here, and here.

Open letter to President Obama (Part 412) No good developments for limited government in 2012

(Emailed to White House on 1-9-13.)

President Obama c/o The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

I know that you receive 20,000 letters a day and that you actually read 10 of them every day. I really do respect you for trying to get a pulse on what is going on out here.

Not much accomplished in the area of liberty and freedom in the USA in 2012. If the founding fathers were here today that would be horrified that their idea of limited government had been transformed into what the federal government is today.

I’m not sure I could pick out a significant victory for human freedom in 2012.

Maybe I’m missing something, but the only good policy that’s even worth mentioning was the decision in Wisconsin to rein in the special privileges and excessive compensation for government workers.

But there definitely have been lots of sad developments.

The hard part is picking the most disappointing story.

1. Was it the craven decision by John Roberts to put politics before the Constitution and cast the deciding vote for Obamacare? This certainly could be the most disappointing event of the year, but technically it didn’t represent a step in the wrong direction since the Supreme Court basically gave a green light to unlimited federal power back in the 1930s and 1940s. The Obamacare case is best characterized as a failure to do the right thing. A very tragic decision, to be sure, but it maintained the status quo.

2. Was it the lawless decision by the Internal Revenue Service to impose a horrible regulation that forces American banks to put foreign law above U.S. law? This was a very bad development in the battle for tax competition, financial privacy, and fiscal sovereignty. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s just another in a long line of policies (such as FATCA) designed to increase the power of governments to impose and enforce bad tax policy.

3. Was it the Japanese government’s decision to double the value-added tax? I’m definitely not a fan of adding a VAT on top of the income tax, but Japan made that mistake years ago. The choice to increase the tax rate just shows why it’s dangerous to give politicians any new source of revenue. So this isn’t the worst policy development of 2012, particularly since the new Japanese government may suspend the tax hike.

4. Was it the delusional decision by 54 percent of California voters to impose a big, class-warfare tax hike? I thought the vote for Prop 30 was a very troubling development since it signaled that voters could be tricked into enacting class-warfare tax policy, even though they should have realized that more revenue for the state’s politicians would simply exacerbate the eventual fiscal collapse. But since I think this will be a learning experience on what not to do, I can’t put this at the top of my list.

5. Was it the French government’s punitive decision to impose a 75-percent top tax rate? This is a spectacularly misguided policy, and it’s already resulting in an exodus of entrepreneurs and other successful people. But just as I enjoy have California as a negative role model, I like using France as an example of bad policy. So it would be a bit hypocritical for me to list this as the worst policy of 2012.

6. Or was it the envy-motivated decisions by politicians in both Slovakia and the Czech Republic to replace flat tax systems with so-called progressive tax regimes? This is a strong candidate for the worst policy of the year. It’s very rare to see governments do the right thing, so it’s really tragic when politicians implement good reforms and later decide to reinstate class-warfare policies.

All things considered, I think this last option is the worst policy development of 2012. To be sure, I’m a bit biased since my work focuses on public finance issues and I’ve spent 20 years advocating for tax reform.

But I think there’s a strong case to be made, by anyone who believes in freedom, that politicians from Slovakia and the Czech Republic deserve the booby prize for worst public policy development of 2012.

Alvin Rabushka, sometimes referred to as the Father of the Flat Tax , summarizes the grim news.

On December 4, 2013, the center-left parliament of Slovakia modified the country’s historic 19% flat-rate tax…  Effective January 1, 2013, the income tax rate for corporations was raised from 19% to 23%, while that on individuals earning more than €39,600 (€1=$1.30) a year was raised to 25%, thereby creating two brackets of 19% and 25%. …On November 7, 2012, the lower house (Chamber of Deputies) of the national parliament approved a proposal to impose a second higher rate of 22% on annual income exceeding Czech Koruna (CZK) 100,000 ($5,200) per month.  President Vaclav Klaus signed the bill on December 22, 2012, which will take effect on January 1, 2013.

What’s especially depressing about these two defeats is that the supposedly right-wing parties deserve the blame.

Two nations filled with brain-dead conservative politicians

In Slovakia, all but one of the right-leaning parties in the old government decided to support the Greek bailout, leading to the collapse of the government and the election of a new socialist government that then sabotaged tax reform.

And in the Czech Republic, the current right-of-center government decided to scrap the flat tax for “fairness” reasons. I’m sure that will really be comforting to the Czech people as the economy suffers from less growth.

To understand what the people of those nations are losing, here’s my video on the flat tax.

Now for a bit of good news. There are still more than 25 flat tax jurisdictions in the world, including two of my favorite places – Hong Kong and Estonia.

So there are still some pockets of rationality. It’s just very unfortunate that the scope of human liberty is getting smaller every year.

P.S. The absolute worst thing that happened in 2012, if we look beyond public policy, was Georgia falling 4 yards short of beating Alabama in the Southeastern Conference Championship.

P.P.S. Speaking of sports, the best thing about 2012 occurred in Virginia Beach back in October.


Thank you so much for your time. I know how valuable it is. I also appreciate the fine family that you have and your commitment as a father and a husband.


Everette Hatcher III, 13900 Cottontail Lane, Alexander, AR 72002, ph 501-920-5733,

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Open letter to President Obama (Part 200.2)Tea Party Republican Representative takes on the President concerning fiscal cliff

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Some Tea Party heroes (Part 10)

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