Dear Senator Pryor, here are some spending cut suggestions (“Thirsty Thursday”, Open letter to Senator Pryor)

Senator Pryor pictured below:

 Why do I keep writing and email Senator Pryor suggestions on how to cut our budget? I gave him hundreds of ideas about how to cut spending and as far as I can tell he has taken none of my suggestions. You can find some of my suggestions here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here,  here, and  here, and they all were emailed to him. In fact, I have written 13 posts pointing out reasons why I believe Senator Pryor’s re-election attempt will be unsuccessful. HERE I GO AGAIN WITH ANOTHER EMAIL I JUST SENT TO SENATOR PRYOR!!!

Dear Senator Pryor,

Why not pass the Balanced  Budget amendment? As you know that federal deficit is at all time high (1.6 trillion deficit with revenues of 2.2 trillion and spending at 3.8 trillion).

On my blog . I took you at your word and sent you over 100 emails with specific spending cut ideas. (Actually there were over 160 emails with specific spending cut suggestions.) However, I did not see any of them in the recent debt deal that Congress adopted although you did respond to me several times. Now I am trying another approach. Every week from now on I will send you an email explaining different reasons why we need the Balanced Budget Amendment or I send you specific spending cut suggestions. It will appear on my blog on “Thirsty Thursday” because the government is always thirsty for more money to spend.




What Can We Cut to Balance the Budget

Published on Oct 16, 2012

If the U.S. government cut all government services except Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and payments on the debt, federal spending would still outpace revenues. Prof. Antony Davies argues that there are not specific cuts that will enable government to balance the budget. He says, “Nothing less than a redesign will solve this problem.” That redesign should begin by determining what the proper role of government is.


Sallie James wrote in October 2012:

Policymakers should terminate the Export-Import Bank. The agency does not play a crucial role in international trade, and there is no reason why U.S. exporters deserve favored treatment over U.S. businesses with domestic sales. Rather than fixing market failures, the bank creates economic distortions of its own. U.S. exports have grown impressively over the years, despite only a very small proportion of them being supported by Ex-Im financing.

The federal government should urge other nations to cut their own export subsidies. It may be beneficial to move negotiations on export subsidies from the OECD to the WTO, which has a broader membership and a better system for resolving disputes and enforcing rulings. But U.S. policymakers should not retain the Ex-Im Bank merely because other nations are following misguided subsidy policies.

There are successful trade liberalization episodes that demonstrate the benefits of U.S. reform leadership. The Information Technology Agreement and the agreements on telecommunications and financial services, for example, were all negotiated through the World Trade Organization at the urging of the United States, even though it already had a zero tariff rate for semiconductors and offered only to lock in current levels of openness for telecommunications and financial services. For export credits, too, other countries may follow the United States in repeal because adopting sound policies is in their best interests and because American promises to lock in current practices are considered valuable.

In sum, none of the reasons offered for the Ex-Im Bank’s continued existence are convincing. Private credit markets are far deeper and are more accessible today than when the bank was created in the 1930s. The Ex-Im Bank’s resources are mainly used to assist large corporations that have little trouble obtaining their own private financing. Export subsidies do not increase employment overall, nor do they have any substantial impact on the trade balance. Finally, it is simply not fair for the government to pick and choose certain businesses to subsidize at the expense of other businesses and the broader economy.

The Balanced Budget Amendment is the only thing I can think of that would force Washington to cut spending. We have only a handful of balanced budgets in the last 60 years, so obviously what we are doing is not working. We are passing along this debt to the next generation. YOUR APPROACH HAS BEEN TO REJECT THE BALANCED BUDGET “BECAUSE WE SHOULD CUT THE BUDGET OURSELF,” WELL THEN HERE IS YOUR CHANCE!!!! SUBMIT THESE CUTS!!!!

Thank you for this opportunity to share my ideas with you.


Everette Hatcher,, 13900 Cottontail Lane, Alexander, AR 72002, ph 501-920-5733

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