“Truth Tuesday” Debating Kermit Gosnell Trial, Abortion and infanticide with Ark Times Bloggers Part 16 Denny Burk: ” The culture of death is mainstream, People are accustomed to the fact that killing unborn babies is legal”

C. Everett Koop, 1980s.jpg
Surgeon General of the United States
In office
January 21, 1982 – October 1, 1989
President Ronald Reagan
George H. W. Bush
Francis Schaeffer
Francis Schaeffer.jpg

Founder of the L’Abri community
Born Francis August Schaeffer
January 30, 1912

Died May 15, 1984 (aged 72)

I truly believe that many of the problems we have today in the USA are due to the advancement of humanism in the last few decades in our society. Ronald Reagan appointed the evangelical Dr. C. Everett Koop to the position of Surgeon General in his administration. He partnered with Dr. Francis Schaeffer in making the video below. It is very valuable information for Christians to have.  Actually I have included a video below that includes comments from him on this subject.

Dr Francis Schaeffer – Whatever Happened to the Human Race – Episode 1

Published on Oct 14, 2012

more of the insightful Drs. Schaeffer & C. Everett Koop


I have gone back and forth and back and forth with many liberals on the Arkansas Times Blog on many issues such as abortionhuman rightswelfarepovertygun control  and issues dealing with popular culture . This time around I have discussed morality with the Ark Times Bloggers and particularly the trial of the abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell and through that we discuss infanticide, abortion and even partial birth abortion. Here are some of my favorite past posts on the subject of Gosnell: ,Abby Johnson comments on Dr. Gosnell’s guilty verdict, Does President Obama care about Kermit Gosnell verdict?Dr. Gosnell Trial mostly ignored by mediaKermit Gosnell is guilty of same crimes of abortion clinics are says Jennifer MasonDenny Burk: Is Dr. Gosnell the usual case or not?, Pro-life Groups thrilled with Kermit Gosnell guilty verdict,  Reactions to Dr. Gosnell guilty verdict from pro-life leaders,  Kermit Gosnell and Planned Parenthood supporting infanticide?, Owen Strachan on Dr. Gosnell Trial, Al Mohler on Kermit Gosnell’s abortion practice, Finally we get justice for Dr. Kermit Gosnell .

In July of 2013 I went back and forth with several bloggers from the Ark Times Blog concerning Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion practice and his trial which had finished up in the middle of May:

Couldn’t be better wrote, ” You won’t find one person on the blog who defends Gosnell..”

How about President Barack Obama.

Denny Burk shows the logical connection below:

Pro-abortion activists long ago took the position that granting human rights to survivors of abortion would present a threat to the regime of Roe v. Wade. Their position has not been a secret. That’s why a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood recently argued against a bill that would protect the live-born infants from being left to die.





This was all well-known when President Obama was a candidate, and Americans seemed to be indifferent about it as they elected him twice to be their chief executive. The bottom line is this. The culture of death is mainstream. People are accustomed to the fact that killing unborn babies is legal. What’s the difference if some of them are killed right after they pass from their mother’s body?

Gosnell did not act alone. He had many who assisted him. I’m thinking about those clinic workers. How did they sleep at night when day after day, week after week, year after year they went to work and “ensured the fetal demise” of human babies? No matter how you euphemize it, it is what it is—cold-blooded murder. What kind of culture produces a clinic full of workers who went along with this atrocity for so long? I’ll tell you what kind of culture it is. It’s the culture of sexual revolutionaries and radical feminists who sold our country a bill of goods—that a woman’s right to be free from the consequences of her fertility is sacrosanct, even if it means that human infants have to die. It’s a culture that won’t speak about what abortion really is but that euphemizes murder with bromides about “reproductive rights” and “access to healthcare.” It’s the culture of death.

In this context, what is the real significance of the Gosnell trial? The Gosnell trial exposes the abortion license for what it is. It forces Americans to look square in the face at what they usually cover up in euphemism and indifference. Gosnell killed human beings. He regularly killed them inside the womb, and he regularly killed them outside the womb. Gosnell forces us to ask the questions that the pro-abortion activists desperately try to keep us from asking. Why was it legal to kill the one and not the other? Why is it normal and right to kill a baby in the birth canal but appalling and repugnant to kill that same baby moments later outside the womb? Gosnell exposes the farce that a baby’s location should determine his right to life.

At this point, what else can be said about the Gosnell verdict? Isn’t the point of it all as plain as the nose on one’s face? For me it is. Yet I am still astonished that for so many it isn’t. Planned Parenthood and NARAL both lauded Gosnell’s conviction as reminder of the importance of providing “safe” abortions for women. Neither group acknowledged the sanctity and the worth of the human babies who were killed at Gosnell’s hands. After all the pictures of murdered human babies and after all the testimony from witnesses who watched as these children were ruthlessly killed, how can Planned Parenthood and NARAL be so cold-hearted? Will we as a culture follow pro-abortion absolutists into moral bankruptcy? Will we follow the darkened logic that says that there are no lessons to be learned about the morality of abortion from all of this?


Melissa Ohden: An Abortion Survivor – CBN.com

Melissa is the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion in 1977 (copies of her medical records that document the abortion meant to end her life can be viewed on this website’s picture page).
2013Despite the initial concerns regarding Melissa’s future after surviving the attempt to end her life and being born alive at approximately seven months gestation, she has not only survived but thrived.  With a Master’s Degree in Social Work, she has worked in the fields of substance abuse, mental health, domestic violence/sexual assault counseling, and child welfare.  Melissa and her husband Ryan have a daughter, Olivia, whose birth at the same hospital where Melissa’s life was supposed to end, has significantly shaped Melissa’s ministry.

Melissa was formerly a College Outreach Speaker with Feminists for Life and former Patron of Real Choices Australia.  She is the Founder and Director of For Olivia’s Sake, an organization which seeks to raise awareness of the intergenerational impact of abortion on men, women, children, families, and communities. The birth of Olivia, her first child, in 2008,who never would have existed if Melissa’s birthmother’s abortion would have succeeded in ending her life, prompted Melissa to create this organization that would positively raise awareness of the ripple effect of abortion across generations.

In 2012, Melissa founded The Abortion Survivors Network, www.theabortionsurvivors.com, after recognizing the number of abortion survivors and how most felt alone in this role, and after recognizing the need for the public to be educated about the reality of failed abortions and abortion survivors.  Since ASN’s inception, Melissa has been in contact with over 130 survivors and she is working on a healing ministry curriculum and a retreat for survivors.

Melissa has been featured on television and radio programs including:  The 700 Club, EWTN’s Life on the Rock and Defending Life, Fox News, Facing Life Head On, Focus on the Family, and American Family Radio, the Mike Huckabee show, and the Teresa Tomeo show.  Her life and ministry is featured in the award winning pro-life documentary, A Voice for Life.

After years of searching for her biological family and offering them forgiveness for the decision that was made to end her life, Melissa’s story, and her life, is so much more than one of survival.  Melissa’s life story is about the beauty of God’s grace in our lives, about the power of love, about the hope for joy and healing in the midst of grief and loss, and  about the transformational power of forgiveness and in answering God’s call for your life.

Fulfilling the purpose that she believes God set out for her when He saved her from the certain death of the abortion attempt, Melissa is truly a voice for the voiceless.

For more information about hosting Melissa at an upcoming event, please see the “links” section on this site for more information on Ambassador Speaker’s Bureau, the oldest and most established faith-based talent agency in the United States, who Melissa is affiliated with, or visit the Ambassador Speaker’s Bureau website directly at ambassadorspeakers.com.

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By Everette Hatcher III | Posted in Current Events, Francis Schaeffer, Prolife | Tagged , | Edit | Comments (0)

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