Ark Times blogger gets abortion for selfish reasons, Schaeffer points out that abortion is being performed for own hedonistic happiness reasons today” (includes film ABORTION OF THE HUMAN RACE)(Editorial cartoon included)

Max Brantley of the Arkansas Times Blog reprinted a story of a 38 year old later telling her story. She got an abortion when she was 23 for just selfish reasons. The lady identified herself as a Christian.

As a response to this I posted the following on 2-8-13 on the Arkansas Times Blog:

You are right about many people getting abortions have been Christians.
From the website this is testimony from Cindy Evans:

In 1973 I was a middle-class, single, 23-year-old college student. After a “one night stand,” I learned that I was pregnant. There was no one to whom I could turn. Alone, I went to the university medical center and had a D&C abortion. Afterwards, I walked home—again, alone…

A year later, despite precautions, I was pregnant again. My boyfriend wanted nothing to do with the whole situation, so he gave me half the abortion fee. I drove myself to a clinic an hour away, had the abortion, and drove home alone. That was the end of the relationship with that man. And that was the end of my problem, I thought.

In 1976 I married and settled in another state. We joined a United Methodist church, and I became active in its UMW. At a UMW meeting in the early 1980s, during a discussion of abortion, I admitted, even bragged about, my two abortions. I did not mention any details, or that my thoughts and feelings were eating away at my insides.

Months later, I shared my experiences of abortion – and the pain, guilt, and fears they caused – with a friend. I was convinced that God hated me and would punish me with no more children. My friend listened and cared. In the midst of many tears, we prayed for God’s forgiveness. And forgiveness came. I remember that moment as if it happened yesterday.

From personal experience, I know that abortion virtually guarantees the “devastating damage” our Social Principles say we want to avoid.

If I were the only woman to experience these consequences of abortion, then my testimony could be ignored. Unfortunately, there are millions of women, like me, who have had abortions and who have suffered similar, or worse, consequences. Even Planned Parenthood’s Alan Guttmacher Institute admits that 90% of the women who have had abortions would not have done so if they had believed they had another option. All women who face unplanned pregnancies need people who will care about them and their long-term welfare. As followers of Jesus Christ, as The United Methodist Church, we can and we should love them both.

The person using the username “arhogfan501” stated, “Pathetic! Got to love the selfishness. This baby will wreck my career and social plans. I’ll just go have it sucked out. Good thing our mothers took on the responsibility when they got pregnant or none of us would be here. That’s what’s wrong with society today, no one takes responsibility for their actions.”

The person using the username “Couldn’t be better” responded, “arhogfan, no one, NO ONE, has mentioned anything about abortion related to career.”

Arhogfan501 responded:

@couldn’t be better. She mentions the word “job” twice, you’re right, I’m sure her JOB (career) had no influence. You’re a pathetic individual when you feel abortion is just another form of birth control, equal to buying a box of condoms at Wal-Mart. You say “the State has shown no interest in helping families”. Are you one of those worthless parents who teach your kids to rely on the “State” for their every need? When this bill becomes law, maybe it will force people like you to take responsibility for your actions and have to endure the consequences of such actions. Sorry, if I’m not sympathetic to the I’m only 23, my mommy is going to kill me and I just got my first job crap. Back at you, how about you take take vacuum hose you love so much and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine!

I had to get into the discussion at this point and here is what I said:

“Arhogfan501” brought up the subject of selfishness. That reminds me of a story about Hillary Clinton, who I admit probably will be our next president. I got this off of Doug Lawrence’s blog:

Hillary Clinton’s encounter with Mother Teresa began, it just so happens, at the National Prayer Breakfast, way back in 1994. That year, the keynoter was a special guest: Mother Teresa. Nearly 3,000 packed a huge room. Near the dais were the president and first lady—the Clintons.

Unlike in typical years, where the keynoter sits among the assembled waiting for others to finish speaking, Mother Teresa appeared from behind a curtain only when called to the platform, and then slowly hunched toward the microphone. She began talking about Jesus and John the Baptist in their wombs, about their mothers, and how the “unborn child” in the womb of Elizabeth—John—leapt with joy, heralding the arrival of Christ as Mary neared Elizabeth, a moment known as “The Visitation.”

Mother Teresa next spoke of love, of selfishness, of a lack of love for the unborn—and a lack of want of the unborn because of selfishness. Then, the gentle sister made this elite group uncomfortable: “But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because Jesus said, ‘If you receive a little child, you receive me.’ So every abortion is the denial of receiving Jesus.”

After an awkward silence, the entire ballroom erupted in a standing ovation that seemed to last minutes. It felt even longer to the embarrassed Clintons (and Al and Tipper Gore), who remained seated and did not clap.

Undeterred by the Clintons’ coldness, the tiny, aged lady was only warming up. Abortion was, said Mother, “really a war against the child, and I hate the killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that the mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? … This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

Francis Schaeffer said concerning abortion and the selfish reasons it is performed the following:

The January 11 Newsweek has an article about the baby in the womb. The first 5 or 6 pages are marvelous. If you haven’t seen it, you should see if you can get that issue. It’s January 11 and about the first 5 or 6 pages show conclusively what every biologist has known all along, and that is that human life begins at conception. There is no other time for human life to begin, except at conception. Monkey life begins at conception. Donkey life begins at conception. And human life begins at conception. Biologically, there is no discussion — never should have been — from a scientific viewpoint. I am not speaking of religion now. And this 5 or 6 pages very carefully goes into the fact that human life begins at conception. But you flip the page and there is this big black headline, “But is it a person?” And I’ll read the last sentence, “The problem is not determining when actual human life begins, but when the value of that life begins to out weigh other considerations, such as the health or even the happiness of the mother.”
We are not just talking about the health of the mother (it’s a propaganda line), or even the happiness of the mother. Listen! Spell that out! It means that the mother, for her own hedonistic happiness — selfish happiness — can take human life by her choice, by law. Do you understand what I have said? By law, on the basis of her individual choice of what makes her happy. She can take what has been declared to be, in the first five pages [of the article], without any question, human life. In other words, they acknowledge that human life is there, but it is an open question as to whether it is not right to kill that human life if it makes the mother happy.

Dr. C. Everett Koop is pictured above.

Francis Schaeffer: “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” (Episode 1) ABORTION OF THE HUMAN RACE

Published on Oct 6, 2012 by


Great  quotes from “Whatever happened to the human race?”  by Francis Schaeffer and Dr. C. Everett Koop (from the shelter website):.


Francis Schaeffer and, former Surgeon General, C. Everette Koop deal directly with the devaluing of human life and its results in our society. It did not take place in a vacuum. It is a direct result of a worldview that has rejected the doctrine of man being created in the image of God. Man as a product of the impersonal, plus time and chance has no sufficient basis for worth.

In our time, humanism has replaced Christianity as the consensus of the west. This has had many results, not the least of which is to change people’s view of themselves and their attitudes toward other human beings. Here is how the change came about. Having rejected God, humanistic scientists, philosophers and professors began to teach that only what can be mathematically measured is real and that all reality is like a machine. Man is only one part of the larger cosmic machine. Man is more complicated than the machines people make, but is still a machine, nevertheless.
(Francis A. Schaeffer and C. Everette Koop, Whatever Happened to the Human Race?, Ch. 1)


Josh Shepherd

January 24, 2013 at 3:33 pm

January 22 marked the 40th sobering anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion-on-demand nationwide. Now, many Americans are looking closer at the trends surrounding the practice of abortion.

Today, half of all abortions are performed on minority women, according to the latest official figures published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

(article continues below chart)

Since the 1970s, the share of abortions performed on white women in America has decreased by 24 percent, while the share performed on African American women has increased by 34 percent. And while African Americans are 13 percent of the population, they account for over 42 percent of the abortions.

After 40 years of our nation devaluing life, our leaders in Washington should advocate policies that would allow each new life to flourish to its full potential.

You can listen to this Family Facts radio feature here. Radio stations interested in airing the daily Family Facts Radio Feature can learn more here. Family Facts charts are also delivered weekly in Heritage’s Culture Watch e-newsletter.

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