Tag Archives: Anna Margaret Rose Freeman

FRANCIS SCHAEFFER ANALYZES ART AND CULTURE Part 52 THE BEATLES (Part D, There is evidence that the Beatles may have been exposed to Francis Schaeffer!!!ALSO Open Letter to Paul McCartney) (Feature on artist Anna Margaret Rose Freeman )


Image result for eric clapton jimmy page

Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page were very good friends (both had been members of the YARDBIRDS) and Eric Clapton read Schaeffer’s book ESCAPE FROM REASON and gave it to Jimmy Page. Did Clapton also give it to his best friend George Harrison or at least talk about it to him later?

Image result for eric clapton jimmy page

George Harrison Swears & Insults Paul and Yoko

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds- The Beatles

The Beatles:

I have dedicated several posts to this series on the Beatles and I don’t know when this series will end because Francis Schaeffer spent a lot of time listening to the Beatles and talking and writing about them and their impact on the culture of the 1960’s. In this series we have looked at several areas in life where the Beatles looked for meaning and hope but also we have examined some of the lives of those  writers, artists, poets, painters, scientists, athletes, models, actors,  religious leaders, musicians, comedians, and philosophers  that were put on the cover of Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album. We have discovered that many of these individuals on the cover have even taken a Kierkegaardian leap into the area of nonreason in order to find meaning for their lives and that is the reason I have included the 27 minute  episode THE AGE OF NONREASON by Francis Schaeffer. In that video Schaeffer noted,  ” Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band…for a time it became the rallying cry for young people throughout the world.”


How Should We then Live Episode 7 small (Age of Nonreason)


John Lennon, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Mitch Mitchell, Jimi Hendrix

Uploaded on Jul 1, 2010

John Lennon (Beatles), Eric Clapton (Cream), Keith Richards (Rolling Stones), Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix Experience) – Yer Blues

Is there evidence that some of the Beatles may have been exposed to the works of Francis Schaeffer? Let me give two points of evidence concerning that. First, Eric Clapton and George Harrison were best friends up until George’s death in 2001 and it has been documented that Eric Clapton read the book ESCAPE FROM REASON by Francis Schaeffer and recommended it to friends. (Evidently Clapton has had a life long curiosity about at the Christian faith according to Dr. John Powell of Oklahoma Baptist University).  Second, I personally have written letters to the other two remaining Beatles and I hope they both got a chance to read them.

I am a big fan of Francis Schaeffer but not so much of his son Frank. However, recently I ran across a 2011 article that Frank wrote and I wanted to share a portion of it with you. “Switchfoot’s Album & Movie “Fading West” — It’s Grace in Action, Hope Crystallized, Damnation Canceled in Favor of Love…,” August 11, 2014 by

The band SWITCHFOOT pitured below:

Switchfoot – Dare You To Move (Alt. Version)

14 million views on You Tube on this song below.

I was just speaking at SoulFest (August 7-9). It’s a music festival with evangelical roots. The band Switchfoot played. I’m several things but not evangelical. Could you imagine a more uncomfortable fit for me? I was expecting the worst. What I got was two gifts: One of pure art and the other pure grace. I also got a good and necessary humbling.

FIRST GIFT: Switchfoot’s new album that they played from at the festival — “Fading West” — is the best rock and roll I’ve heard in years. I haven’t been so excited by a rock album since the day in 1967 when I was fifteen and I put “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” on a turntable for the first time. This was just before running away from a boarding school in the UK.

“Sgt. Pepper’s” became my personal sound track of liberation back then as “Fading West” is now.

Last night my wife Genie and I sat and listened to the album four times in a row. Then we watched the movie of the same title. We are sixty-two and sixty-three years old. We are also both old rockers who felt like we were sixteen again, only maybe a little wiser and nicer!

Genie, my wife of 44 years, was as moved as I was by the terrific music and lyrics. She grew up in the Bay Area and as a teen had the distinction of seeing the Beatles three times (!) live and the Rolling Stones four times (!) live.

Meanwhile, I was growing up in Switzerland in a mission (L’Abri Fellowship), and my “almost famous” rock-n-roll high point came when I got a job helping with the Led Zeppelin’s light show at the Montreux Jazz/rock festival. I met Jimmy Page and noticed he was reading one of my dad’s first books, ESCAPE FROM REASON. (No kidding.)

This was back in the days when Dad was a sort of hippie guru for Jesus catering to Beats, hippies and dropouts hitching across Europe. Eric Clapton had given Page the book as it turned out. (Don’t write me, neither “got saved,” and I have no idea how this story ends!)

I was trying to be “cool” that day on the light show crew… and I wasn’t too pleased to find my brief escape into the rock world from the world of my Dad’s evangelical mission was no escape from my God-world at all. He’d been giving lectures on Bob Dylan, and drug guru Timothy Leary had been a guest at L’Abri. And now I got to briefly “hang out with the band” and Dad got there first, or at least one of his books did! Sheesh! It’s hard to be cool!

…Anyway… Just before coming to my parent’s mission in 1969 – Genie was visiting a friend and knew nothing about the place — she was hanging out with the Santana drummer in California. My then teen bride-to-be Genie might as well have gone to another planet when she stumbled into Dad and Mom’s ministry. The only Billy Graham she’d ever heard of was the Fillmore West manager!

I wonder if my wife-to-be was in the Fillmore West rock palace when Dad and I were there one night in 1968 listening to the Jefferson Airplane together and some hippie handed Dad a joint? Dad passed it on down the row, not taking any himself but totally un-shocked and loving Grace Slick as much as I did… if only Jerry Falwell could have seen us then…


(I know who Jimmy Page is since I have always been a big Led Zepplin fan and I have interesting story to tell about their best song in my view which I shared on an earlier post. )

Led Zeppelin – When The Levee Breaks


I just wanted to point out what an impact that the short 119 page book ESCAPE FROM REASON has had. Below is a story of Paul McGuire who had never been exposed to Christianity until he read that book and it changed his whole worldview.


By Paul McGuire
My spiritual pilgrimage began at a very young age when the questions, “Who am I? What is my purpose in life?” and “What am I doing here?” haunted me and burned in my mind night and day. While other children were content to play, I was driven to ask questions about the meaning of life. Raised in New York City, I came from a liberal, educated family. Both my parents were teachers, and neither believed in God.

As a young boy, I thought science could give me the answers to my questions about life. Reading every book I could get my hands on about science and the lives of the great scientists, I often devoured ten books a week. I read about men like Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Enrico Fermi, Louis Pasteur, and John Oppenheimer. Building a huge laboratory in my bedroom, I undertook amateur experiments on cryogenics and nuclear physics. Soon, however, I realized that these brilliant men did not have the answers I was looking for. Thus, at an early age I discovered the bankruptcy of scientific materialism.

After exhausting science as a means of finding the meaning of life, I next investigated the occult and Eastern religions. Biblical Christianity was not even an option for me. I had never once met a Bible-believing Christian or seen an evangelist on television, and the churches in my neighborhood were steeped in liberal theology or dead orthodoxy.

The only religion we had at home was secular humanism – the belief that there is no God and man is the center of the universe. As a result, I was raised to believe that there was no absolute right or wrong. Around the dinner table, my parents taught me that human evil was due to ignorance and that the concept of a personal God was an archaic belief any educated person should transcend. In addition, they told me that Christians were intellectually pathetic people who were “anti-love,” “anti-joy,” and “anti-sex.” Instead of promoting anything good, Christians were responsible for the crusades and the Inquisition.

One Thanksgiving evening my grandmother asked my father to pray. Instead, he launched into a thunderous tirade about how there was no reason to thank God – everything we had came from man’s hard work.

In the atheistic environment of my home, the spiritual void within me grew deeper, and I plunged headlong into the New Age philosophy and radical politics. Soon after I reached puberty, my parents divorced, ripping my world apart. My spiritual pilgrimage merged with a growing hatred of all authority and society. I was ripe to be seduced by the counterculture and the psychedelic philosophy of the ’60s which has now become the New Age Movement.

Although my mother held a secular humanist worldview, she was always full of loving concern and discipline. She spent thousands of hours reading me books and taking me to museums and libraries. Genuinely concerned about her rebellious son, my mother sent me to a psychotherapist whom she hoped would solve my problems.

I told my therapist that I wanted to know why I was alive, who I was, and what purpose there was for my life. He could not help me and only provided a listening board. In the vain hope of finding answers, I began reading Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, and Carl Jung. But all the leading psychological theorists seemed to contradict each other, and I was left more confused than ever.

Then the “hippie” movement with its drugs and “free love” exploded across the nation. I remember the first time I saw Timothy Leary. Wearing a white outfit and grinning like the “Cheshire Cat” from Alice In Wonderland, he said on national television “Tune in, turn on, and drop out.” This psychedelic prophet of LSDwas in distinct contrast to the people involved in organized religion. Then the Beatles recorded “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” and the psychedelic invasion of drugs, Eastern religion, and promiscuous sex spread.

At the age of fifteen, I was wearing long hair and boots and demonstrating with Abbie Hoffman in New York City. I organized demonstrations and was even made an honorary member of the Black Panther Party for protesting outside a prison against the arrest of Panther leaders.

Simultaneously, I deepened my activities in Eastern mysticism and was introduced to drugs by an “honor student” in my high school. I read a book by Aldous Huxley titled Heaven and Hell and the Doors of Perception, which describes Huxley’s experimentation with hashish and mescaline as a means to enter a higher state of consciousness. This fellow student, whose father was a doctor, “turned me on” to hashish and mescaline as part of a serious scientific experiment. Together, we passed through the “doors of perception” and entered a higher realm of consciousness.

Fueled by drugs like LSD and mescaline, it was the psychedelic ’60s that ushered in the current New Age Movement. Powerful mind altering drugs like LSD blasted people into the spiritual realm and forced them to acknowledge the presence of a spiritual reality. This opened the door to the occult and the myriad practices of Eastern mysticism that gave birth to the New Age Movement.

In my own life, the use of powerful psychedelic drugs like LSD intensified my plunge into the New Age philosophy and Eastern Mysticism. Thus began an electric pilgrimage into Hinduism, Buddhism, the teachings of Don Juan, yoga, mental telepathy, altered states of consciousness, hypnotherapy, astral projection, reincarnation, the occult, devil’s weed, spirit guides, and a smorgasbord of mystical experiences. I was greatly influenced by men like Baba Ram Dass, Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary, and Stephen Gaskin.

In fact, my major at the University of Missouri was called “Altered States of Consciousness,” a brand-new accredited field within the Department of Psychology. We studied different means of entering higher states of consciousness and engaged in exercises based on Eastern mystical teaching and experiences by men like Carlos Castaneda. It was during this time of intense New Age activity that I developed spiritual powers and “cosmic consciousness.”

My professor at the University of Missouri was a practicing mystic and taught a number of courses on mental illness. He believed, as did popular psychologists like R.D. Laing, that mental illness or madness could be a means of entering higher consciousness. In this theory, insane people are considered spiritual pilgrims caught between two realities.

My professor invited gurus to teach and perform supernatural feats of levitation. Once while my professor was lecturing, I heard a distinct voice within me shout, “Surrender to the dark forces within!” At this point in my life I noticed a growing intensity in the manifestation of strong paranormal experiences. Yet at the same time, I had a growing feeling that things were getting out of control. The more bizarre things became, however, the more I believed I was moving toward “enlightenment.” I became convinced that everything happening was due to my excess “karma” burning off.

As is often the case with people involved in drugs and the occult, I experienced mixed feelings of great elation and depression. I became a kind of mystical “wildman,” hiking into the woods while on psychedelic drugs and communing with what I thought was God. But I was like a comet crashing into the atmosphere, burning more brightly as I moved through the heavens and consuming myself in flames. One evening I broke into my psychology professor’s office and wrote him an anonymous note warning him of the dangers of “the journey.”

Invasion Of The Jesus Movement

In the early ’70s, a strange thing happen at the University of Missouri: The Jesus Movement spread from the West Coast and entered the campus town of Columbia, Missouri. I remember seeing an article on the Jesus Movement in a national magazine. Reading about these Christians, who I thought were going to regress mankind into a new Dark Age with their “primitive blood-stained religion,” made me furious. I hated them because I thought they would stop the “revolution” and the establishment of the new world order based on higher consciousness.

People involved in the New Age Movement hold the very same beliefs, for their goal is to create a one-world government and unify the planet under a spiritual system of higher consciousness. Like many New Agers, I viewed Christians with all their talk of Jesus Christ being the “only way” as an anachronism and a threat to the spiritual/political revolution coming to the planet.

About this time, however, I finally came face to face with genuine Christians who moved in the supernatural flow of the Holy Spirit and had the glory of God shining on their countenances. I encountered Spirit-filled Christians everywhere and thought it was my duty to defend the faith of Eastern mysticism and the religion of “higher consciousness.” Attacking and debating believers in philosophy classes whenever they spoke out about their faith, I delighted in trying to humiliate them and prove them wrong through intellectual arguments.

In addition, I increased my “outrageous” behavior in front of Christians in an attempt to mock and ridicule them. Since I studied film, I made X-rated animation movies with Barbie dolls in an attempt to sneer at Judeo-Christian morality.

Despite my bitter hatred, a couple of true Christians began to zero in on me and share the love of Jesus Christ. Beneath all my bravado was a hurting, frightened individual reaching out for answers. At first, my mind completely rejected everything they were saying. But they continued to love me with a pure, deep, spiritual agape love. Even though I thought what they were saying was complete idiocy, I felt myself being wooed and convicted by the Holy Spirit as they talked.

For the first time in my life, I sensed God’s love for me. All my intellectual arguments were reduced to nothing as I encountered something far more real than anything I had experienced before. This was not some “trip” or mystical high. The purity and love that I felt had to be God.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, these supernatural Christians opened up their lives to me. They cared about me as a person and loved me. They invited me to their prayer meetings and had me over for dinner. Through their personal ministry to me, I felt the arms of the living God embrace me and hug me like my father never had. As the Lord touched me deep within my heart, the hurt and bruised child locked inside me emerged and responded to His love.

Although I wasn’t yet ready to surrender, the Holy Spirit continued to work in my life. I had all kinds of intellectual questions, so my Christian friends gave me a book by Dr. Francis Schaeffer called ESCAPE FROM REASON. It changed my life. I was shocked to discover that a person could be both intelligent and a Christian. Talking about God, film, art, and philosophy in brilliant and articulate terms, Dr. Schaeffer explained contemporary culture in a way I had never understood.

Still I fought with the Holy Spirit, and the forces of darkness did not want to let me go. As these Christians prayed for me, the Holy Spirit continued to convict me. Sometimes I found myself walking alone by the highway, and, even though I was “stoned,” I would begin sobbing and weeping as Almighty God touched me.

The Hand Of Providence

One afternoon a guy named Tim invited me to a retreat in a wooded area about an hour away from the campus. I had mysteriously met Tim in the hallway of a dormitory, where he sat reading the Bible that he carried with him everywhere. He was in the hallway to meet someone else, but providentially he met me and invited me to this Christian retreat. Tim’s eyes shone with sincerity and the love of God, so I accepted his invitation.

Dressed in boots, blue jeans, and long hair, I arrived at the retreat center. A brief look at the place quickly convinced me that these people didn’t have what I was looking for. They were the kind of Christians I had seen before – religious but lacking the depth and dimension of people who have had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

While at the retreat center, I noted vague references to the Bible, but primarily we played games like “spin the bottle.” I was totally disgusted, for these people reinforced my worst preconceptions about Christianity. After spending the night I told Tim during breakfast that I was going to hitchhike back to the university. Tim walked me to the highway and said, “Paul, God will take care of your ride home.” Wondering if he was some kind of religious nut but hoping to humor him, I said, “Yeah, yeah sure.” Then I stuck out my thumb and tried to hitch a ride.

The first person to pick me up was a Pentecostal preacher. He and his wife talked to me about Jesus the entire ride. Stunned, I chalked it up as coincidence; after all, this was the Bible Belt. After they let me out, I stuck out my thumb and was picked up by a Bible salesman with a station wagon filled with Bibles! As we whizzed down the highway, he opened a giant Bible and began reading. With no hands on the wheel, he asked me if I wanted to receive Jesus into my life. I managed to gulp a “yes,” and he pulled off the road.

As we rolled to a stop, the thought raced through my mind, “What have I got myself into? Is this guy some kind of religious psychopath or axe murderer?” Growing up in New York City had taught me to suspect everybody’s motives and not to trust strangers.

The next thing I knew this Bible salesman was leading me in a prayer. With head bowed and hands clasped, I heard myself saying, “Jesus Christ, I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I invite you to come into my life and make me born again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.” I couldn’t believe I had said this prayer. I wasn’t even sure what sin was, although it seemed to me like an archaic concept. But I prayed in faith and meant it.

Hours later, I forgot the incident had even occurred and “partied” the night away with friends. The next day I woke up hung over and decided to visit a Christian girl named Laura. She and her boyfriend, Burgess, had spent a lot of time ministering and witnessing to me about Jesus.

As Laura and I talked, we were walking next to some giant Roman columns in the university quadrangle. I told her about my highway experience, and another girl sitting on the lawn overheard our conversation. It turned out that she was a minister’s daughter wrestling with the question of whether or not Christianity was really true. Looking at me pointblank, she said, “Do you believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God?”

All of a sudden the words, “Yes, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God!” leapt from deep within me. I was shocked. I had never said anything like that before. As I spoke, I had the most powerful spiritual experience of my life. It seemed that the sky had cracked open, and the presence of God overwhelmed me. A giant veil was lifted from my eyes as I realized God truly did exist.

I understand that I risk losing credibility by relating this experience exactly as it happened. True miracles can be cheapened by relating them in either a glib or a sensational manner. Many Christians carelessly utter the word “miracle” with such arrogance that it loses all its value. In addition, I understand that many people have had quiet but profound experiences with Jesus Christ that have just as much validity as mine.

But for me to minimize or reduce what happened to more logical terms just to make it more plausible would be inaccurate. I felt as if every dream I had ever had within the depths of my soul came true in an instant. Literally caught up in the Holy Spirit, I felt I was floating for weeks. Although I was higher than I had ever been in my entire life, I knew that the experience was genuine and pure.

Everything I had searched for in Eastern mysticism, human relationships, and the New Age Movement, I now found in Jesus Christ. This was not just another higher state of consciousness, an “upper story leap” without rational content, or a mystical trip. Nothing about this was artificial or mystical.

One could easily misconstrue my involvement in the New Age Movement and my encounter with Jesus Christ as the path of someone hopping from experience to experience lacking rational and verifiable content. Let me assure you that when I began my spiritual journey I did so as a scientist and a skeptic.

The contrast between mystical experiences and my encounter with Jesus Christ was as different as night and day. All of the New Age and Eastern mystical experiences I was involved in had an illusory quality no matter how real they seemed at the time. Jesus Christ was not just another “experience.” My newfound relationship with Him conveyed a reality so strong that I knew I had found God.


How Should We then Live Episode 7 small (Age of Nonreason)


Eric Clapton and George Harrison
Eric Clapton and George Harrison had been friends since the early 1960s, when George was in the biggest band in the world and Clapton was still trying to make a name for himself. So, as a close family friend, it was to Eric Clapton that George Harrison’s wife Patti Boyd turned when her marriage to the former Beatle hit the rocks. Things quickly took a turn for the inevitable, and after years of sneaking around behind George’s back, the pair finally came clean about the affair they’d been having. A bitter feud developed between the rockers, with Clapton documenting his worries in the song Layla. The animosity didn’t last long though as Harrison is rumoured to have performed at the pair’s wedding in 1979.


Pattie Boyd with Paul and George below:

Eric Clapton – Layla

Pattie with Clapton:

The Beatles – While My Guitar Gently Weeps(HD)

Uploaded on Dec 13, 2008

-The Beatles – While My Guitar Gently Weeps[George Harrison, Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Ringo Starr. Live Music Video]
-By Elaine

The Beatles-While My Guitar Gently Weeps

The Real ‘Layla’ Talks About George Harrison and Eric Clapton

She was George Harrison’s “Something” and Eric Clapton’s “Layla.”

What was it about the British model Pattie Boyd that inspired two of rock music’s most talented and famous men to write such emotional songs about her?

“I wish I knew,” Boyd said in an interview with ABC News’ Elizabeth Vargas. “Like, I wish I could tell you. I don’t know.”

Boyd, who also inspired Clapton to write “Bell Bottom Blues” and “Wonderful Tonight,” hasn’t spoken very much about her relationship with either man.

But now, at age 63, she has written a memoir detailing her life with rock royalty, called “Wonderful Tonight.”

Harrison Was ‘Absolutely Adorable’

Harrison met 19-year-old Boyd in 1964 on the set of the film “A Hard Day’s Night,” where she was acting in a small role.

Harrison was smitten with her and said, “Will you marry me?” She laughed, and he replied, “Well, if you won’t marry me, will you have dinner with me tonight?”

She turned him down, saying she was already having dinner with a boyfriend.

Boyd rethought the decision, though, and soon broke up with that boyfriend. She was called back to the set of the movie a few days later, and this time she said yes when Harrison asked her out. The two fell in love and married in 1966.

“I thought he was absolutely adorable,” Boyd said of the Beatle. “He was very, terribly good looking, but really funny as well and just enchanting.”

Harrison and Boyd shared a passionate and stormy marriage for 11 years, a relationship that inspired what many consider one of the greatest love songs ever, “Something.”

“I remember him playing this melody quite a lot, and then some time later, he wrote lyrics for it,” Boyd said. “And I didn’t realize until after he’d recorded it and he told me that he’d written it for me. … I was thrilled. I couldn’t believe it. It was wonderful.”

‘I’m in Love With Your Wife’

By the time that song was composed in 1968, however, the couple’s marriage was falling apart. Amid the turmoil, Boyd received a declaration of love from her husband’s good friend Eric Clapton.

Clapton wrote the song “Layla,” pouring out his feelings for his unrequited love. She remembered hearing the song for the first time.

“He said, ‘I’ve got something for you to hear,’ and he put it on in a cassette machine and played it,” Boyd said. “And I said, ‘Oh, gosh, this is unbelievable!’ And he said, he was just looking at me and saying, ‘This is for you, I’ve written it for you.'”

Even though Boyd stayed with Harrison for five more years, she met often with Clapton. Harrison once caught them at a party, talking alone, and asked what was going on.

Clapton said to him, “I have to tell you, man, that I’m in love with your wife.”

That night, she went home with Harrison. But the next time she saw Clapton, he again declared his love, and said that if she didn’t go with him, he would take “this” — pulling a packet of heroin from his pocket.

Clapton made good on his promise and spent the next four years holed up at his house, doing heroin.

‘Did I Make the Right Decision?’

Meanwhile, a number of factors were contributing to Boyd’s unhappiness with Harrison. She writes about the stress of not being able to have children, Harrison’s insistence she practically give up modeling after their marriage, his “obsessiveness” over his spiritual practices, drugs and his string of infidelities.

The final straw for Boyd was Harrison’s affair with Ringo Starr’s wife Maureen. In 1974 she told Harrison she was leaving him.

Paul McCartney & John Lennon 1968 Full Interview

Uploaded on Sep 26, 2009

I uploaded this a while ago on my old profile but it got deleted here it is enjoy
Paul McCartney & John Lennon 1968 Full Interview


My letter I wrote to Paul McCartney recently:

Dear Paul,

I read a while back that your good friend Eric Clapton read the book ESCAPE FROM REASON by Francis Schaeffer and gave it to Jimmy Page. I was amazed by that but since it dealt with the generation of the 1960’s turning to drugs for answers I guess it made sense. Let me encourage you to read that book also and in this short letter I wanted share a review of this book ESCAPE FROM REASON, FRANCIS A. SCHAEFFEREscape from Reason, Francis A. Schaeffer, Inter-Varsity Press (1968), 94 pages, $8.00.

 What is man, and what is the meaning of life?  In his book, Escape from Reason, the Christian philosopher, Francis A. Schaeffer attempts to trace the thought of man from Thomas Aquinas through his then present 1960s . Schaeffer shows that when man attempts to know God apart from scripture he ends up where he is today, a naturalist, which is the ground of evolutionism. Naturalism is the idea that space, matter, time…the stuff that we can see and observe, is all that exists. There is no such thing as God or any other supernatural entity. Naturally, if there is no God, if there is nothing spiritual, no soul of man…then man is nothing more than an animal. As Schaeffer puts it, “…on the basis of all reason, man as man is dead. You have simply mathematics, particulars, mechanics. Man has no meaning, no purpose, no significance. There is only pessimism concerning man as man” (46-47). The result of this conclusion of modern man is all of the crazy stuff that exists in modern popular culture and the arts. One example Schaeffer gives is the paintings of Picasso but there are plenty more examples of this sort of thing in modern art. JH


When you get down to it the book  ESCAPE FROM REASON is truly about What is man, and what is the meaning of life?   Can a man  or a woman find lasting meaning without God? Three thousand years ago, Solomon took a look at life “under the sun” in his book of Ecclesiastes. Christian scholar Ravi Zacharias has noted, “The key to understanding the Book of Ecclesiastes is the term ‘under the sun.’ What that literally means is you lock God out of a closed system, and you are left with only this world of time plus chance plus matter.”

Let me show you some inescapable conclusions if you choose to live without God in the picture. Schaeffer noted that Solomon came to these same conclusions when he looked at life “under the sun.”

  1. Death is the great equalizer (Eccl 3:20, “All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return.”)
  2. Chance and time have determined the past, and they will determine the future.  (Ecclesiastes 9:11-13 “I have seen something else under the sun:  The race is not to the swift
    or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant  or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.  Moreover, no one knows when their hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so people are trapped by evil times  that fall unexpectedly upon them.”)
  3. Power reigns in this life, and the scales are not balanced(Eccl 4:1; “Again I looked and saw all the oppression that was taking place under the sun: I saw the tears of the oppressed—
    and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppressors—  and they have no comforter.” 7:15 “In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these: the righteous perishing in their righteousness,  and the wicked living long in their wickedness. ).
  4. Nothing in life gives true satisfaction without God including knowledge (1:16-18), ladies and liquor (2:1-3, 8, 10, 11), and great building projects (2:4-6, 18-20).
  5. There is no ultimate lasting meaning in life. (1:2)

By the way, the final chapter of Ecclesiastes finishes with Solomon emphasizing that serving God is the only proper response of man. Solomon looks above the sun and brings God back into the picture in the final chapter of the book in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, “ Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.  For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”

The answer to find meaning in life is found in putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. The Bible is true from cover to cover and can be trusted. In 1978 I heard the song “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas when it rose to #6 on the charts. That song told me that Kerry Livgren the writer of that song and a member of Kansas had come to the same conclusion that Solomon had and that “all was meaningless.” I remember mentioning to my friends at church that we may soon see some members of Kansas become Christians because their search for the meaning of life had obviously come up empty even though they had risen from being an unknown band to the top of the music business and had all the wealth and fame that came with that.

Livgren wrote, “All we do, crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see, Dust in the Wind, All we are is dust in the wind, Don’t hang on, Nothing lasts forever but the Earth and Sky, It slips away, And all your money won’t another minute buy.”

Both Kerry Livgren and Dave Hope of Kansas became Christians eventually. Kerry Livgren first tried Eastern Religions and Dave Hope had to come out of a heavy drug addiction. I was shocked and elated to see their personal testimony on The 700 Club in 1981 and that same  interview can be seen on youtube today. Livgren lives in Topeka, Kansas today where he teaches “Diggers,” a Sunday school class at Topeka Bible Church. Hope is the head of Worship, Evangelism and Outreach at Immanuel Anglican Church in Destin, Florida.

Just like Kerry Livgren and Dave Hope you too need to put your faith in Christ alone for eternal salvation.

God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life.

God’s Love
“God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NIV).

God’s Plan
[Christ speaking] “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly”
[that it might be full and meaningful] (John 10:10).

Why is it that most people are not experiencing that abundant life?

Man is sinful and separated from God.
Therefore, he cannot know and experience
God’s love and plan for his life.

Man is Sinful
“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Man was created to have fellowship with God; but, because of his own stubborn
self-will, he chose to go his own independent way and fellowship with God was broken.
This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active rebellion or passive indifference,
is an evidence of what the Bible calls sin.

Man Is Separated
“The wages of sin is death” [spiritual separation from God] (Romans 6:23).

Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for man’s sin.
Through Him you can know and experience
God’s love and plan for your life.

He Died In Our Place
“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

He Rose from the Dead
“Christ died for our sins… He was buried… He was raised on the third day,
according to the Scriptures… He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve.
After that He appeared to more than five hundred…” (1 Corinthians 15:3-6).

He Is the Only Way to God
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to
the Father but through Me’” (John 14:6).

We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord;
then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives.

We Must Receive Christ
“As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children
of God, even to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12).

We Receive Christ Through Faith
“By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves,
it is the gift of God; not as result of works that no one should boast” (Ephesians 2:8,9).

When We Receive Christ, We Experience a New Birth
(Read John 3:1-8.)

We Receive Christ Through Personal Invitation
[Christ speaking] “Behold, I stand at the door and knock;
if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him” (Revelation 3:20).

Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting
Christ to come into our lives to forgive our sins and to make us what He wants us to be.
Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross
for our sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to have an emotional experience.
We receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act of the will.

Thank you again for your time and I know how busy you are.

Everette Hatcher, everettehatcher@gmail.com, http://www.thedailyhatch.org, cell ph 501-920-5733, Box 23416, LittleRock, AR 72221




There is no evidence that John Lennon was a believer in Christ at the time of his death but there are many stories about his search in the 1970’s into Christianity.

In March 1977 Yoko traveled with John Green to Catagena in Colombia to meet a witch who had been recommended to her as someone “who could do anything.” Green had to accompany her to check out the witch’s validity. Yoko paid the witch sixty thousand dollars to perform a series of rituals culminating in the sacrifice of a dove. When they returned to New York; Yoko insisted that they had to fly via Los Angeles and Alaska to avoid having to fly in a northeasterly direction because she believed this would bring her bad fortune. Next came one of the most extraordinary turnabouts in John’s life. A television addict for many years (it was his way of looking at the world since he could no longer walk around anonymously), he enjoyed watching some of America’s best-known evangelists—Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Jim Bakker, and Oral Roberts. In 1972 he had written a desperate letter to Roberts confessing his dependence on drugs and his fear of facing up to “the problems of life.” He expressed regret that he had said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus and enclosed a gift for the Oral Roberts University. After quoting the line “money can’t buy me love” from “Can’t Buy Me Love” he said, “It’s true. The point is this, I want happiness. I don’t want to keep on with drugs. Paul told me once, ‘You made fun of me for taking drugs, but you will regret it in the end.’ Explain to me what Christianity can do for me. Is it phoney? Can He love me? I want out of hell.”

Roberts sent him a copy of his book Miracle of Seed Faith and several letters explaining basic Christian beliefs. In the second of his letters Roberts said:

John, we saw you and the Beatles on television when you first came to America. Your talent with music was almost awesome and your popularity touched millions. Your influence became so widespread and powerful that your statement-the Beatles are more popular than Jesus- might have had some truth in it at that moment. But you know, our Lord said, I am alive for ever more. People, the Bible says, are like sheep and are often fickle, following this one day and something else the next. However, there are millions who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and have been filled with the Holy Spirit. They love him. To them He is the most wonderful and popular man who ever lived because he is the Son of God and His name endures.

I thank God that you see this, John, and finally regret thinking any man or group could be more popular than Jesus. Jesus is the only reality. It is Jesus who said “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” So, you see, your statement that because of your hard background you’ve never wanted to face reality is actually really saying you’ve never wanted to face our loving Lord. What I want to say, as I tried to say in my other letter, is that Jesus, the true reality, is not hard to face. He said, “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. … For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” You said, John, that you take drugs because reality frightens you. Remember as you open your life to Jesus, He will take all the fear away and give you peace. Peace that passes all understanding.

This correspondence and his exposure to TV evangelism didn’t appear to have any effect until he suddenly announced to close friends in the spring of 1977 that he’d become a born-again Christian. He had been particularly moved by the U.S. television premiere of Franco Zeffirelli’sJesus of Nazareth, starring Robert Powell as Jesus, which NBC showed in two three-hour segments on Palm Sunday, April 3, 1977. A week later, on Easter day, he took Yoko and Sean to a local church service.

Over the following months he baffled those close to him by constantly praising “the Lord,” writing Christian songs with titles like “Talking with Jesus” and “Amen” (the Lord’s Prayer set to music), and trying to convert nonbelievers. He also called the prayer line of The 700 Club, Pat Robertson’s program. The change in his life perturbed Yoko, who tried to talk him out of it. She reminded him of what he’d said about his vulnerability to strong religious leaders because of his emotionally deprived background. She knew that if the press found out about it they would have a field day with another John and Jesus story. John became antagonistic toward her, blaming her for practicing the dark arts and telling her that she couldn’t see the truth because her eyes had been blinded by Satan.

Those close to the couple sensed that the real reason she was concerned was that it threatened her control over John’s life. If he became a follower of Jesus he would no longer depend on her and the occultists. During long, passionate arguments she attacked the key points of his fledgling faith. They met with a couple of Norwegian missionaries whom Yoko questioned fiercely about the divinity of Christ, knowing that this was the teaching that John had always found the most difficult to accept. Their answers didn’t satisfy her, and John began to waver in his commitment.

In an unpublished song, “You Saved My Soul,” he spoke about “nearly falling” for a TV preacher while feeling “lonely and scared” in a Tokyo hotel. This must have referred to a trip to Japan at the end of May when he stayed at the Okura Hotel for over two months while Yoko visited relatives. Feeling isolated because of the language barrier, he locked himself away in his room for long stretches of time. At night he suffered terrifying nightmares. According to John Green, who makes no mention of the born-again period in his book, John told him, “I’d lie in bed all day [in Tokyo], not talk, not eat, and just withdraw. And a funny thing happened. I began to see all these different parts of me. I felt like a hollow temple filled with many spirits, each one passing through me, each inhabiting me for a little time and then leaving to be replaced by another.”

The image was remarkably like one suggested by Jesus and recorded in Luke 11. It’s hard to imagine that John was unfamiliar with the passage. Jesus was warning of the danger of merely ridding oneself of evil spirits without taking in the good. He says that an unclean or evil spirit, finding nowhere to rest, will return. “And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.”

Whatever happened in Tokyo, it marked the end of his personal interest in Jesus. “You Saved My Soul” said that he “nearly” fell for the TV preacher, but that Yoko “saved me from that suicide.” So the salvation of the title refers to being saved from God, not by God. Yoko had again become the captain of his soul, the mistress of his destiny. Yet his life didn’t improve. He sank into a depression, concerned that his creativity had deserted him and that he had no real purpose in life. The only real joy he experienced came from spending time with his son, Sean.

His life was out of his control. He worried about his health and his eyesight, about making the right investments with his money, about his personal safety. The only way out, as far as he could see, was to pay for the services of people who claimed to see into the future. But then, which ones could he trust? If the advice of the tarot card reader contradicted that of the astrologer, which should he follow? Instead of the freedom he wanted when he broke away from the Beatles, he was now completely enslaved. He couldn’t travel anywhere without advice from a directionalist, do deals with anyone without knowing their star sign, or make plans for the future without consulting the I Ching.

In January 1979 he and Yoko traveled to Cairo, having heard that there was a major illicit archeological dig taking place. Both of them believed that ancient Egyptian artifacts contained magical powers, and Yoko had dedicated one of the rooms in their apartment to Egyptian artifacts. “I love Egyptian art,” she said. “I make sure I get all the Egyptian things, not for their value but for their magic power. Each piece has a certain magic power.” They stayed at the Nile Hilton and toured the pyramids, but when word got out about their intentions they were prevented from visiting the dig.

By the time Frederic Seaman became John’s personal assistant in February 1979, John’s main interest was reading books on religion, psychic phenomena, the occult, death, history, archaeology, and anthropology. Specific books Seaman can remember him asking for includedRebel in the Soul: An Ancient Egyptian Dialogue Between a Man and His Destiny, by Bika Reed;Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today, by Margot Adler; and Practical Occultism, by (Madame) H. P Blavatsky. He also listened to a thousand dollars’ worth of taped lectures by Alan Watts.

Vacationing in Florida in the spring, he again watched Jesus of Nazareth on its by now regular Easter showing, but his reaction was completely different from the one he had had two years before. He kept joking that they should just get on with it and fast-forward to the crucifixion. Seaman, who was present with John’s sons, Sean and Julian, recalled, “John began working himself up into a tirade against Christianity, saying that it had virtually destroyed what was left of pagan culture and spirituality in Europe-a great loss to civilization.” He then announced that he was now a “born again pagan.”

Later in the year Bob Dylan recorded Slow Train Coming, a gospel album born out of personal experience. Dylan told Robert Hilburn of the Los Angeles Times that he’d recently accepted that “Jesus was real … I had this feeling, this vision and feeling. I truly had a born-again experience, if you want to call it that. It’s an over-used term. But it’s something that people can relate to.” Hilburn asked him what “born again” meant. “Born once,” he answered, “is born from the spirit below, which is when you’re born. It’s the spirit you’re born with. Born again is born with the Spirit from above, which is a little bit different.”

Slow Train Coming was a direct and challenging album. Unlike most gospel recordings, it didn’t simply praise Jesus but attacked opposition to him, whether that was religious syncretism, false saviors, or lack of commitment. It was addressed to people like John. In “Precious Angel,” the first single, Dylan sang, “Ya either got faith or ya got unbelief and there ain’t no neutral ground.’ In the title track he sang of “Fools glorifying themselves, trying to manipulate Satan.”

Dylan’s transformation took John completely by surprise. After all, Dylan had been the Beatles’ only peer and remained someone whom he deeply respected. What made it particularly galling was that everything Dylan sang about on the album was delivered with a confidence that had always seemed to elude John. Dylan seemed certain that his sins were forgiven, his eternal security was assured, and that God was actively involved in his life.

When asked in 1980 about his response to Dylan’s conversion, John was less than honest. He said he was surprised that “old Bobby boy did go that way,” but “if he needs it, let him do it.” His only objection, he said, was that Dylan was presenting Christ as the only way. He disliked this because “There isn’t one answer to anything.” This is why he favored Buddhism. It didn’t proselytize. In what can now be seen as an allusion to his own born-again period, which hadn’t yet been made public, he said, “But I understand it. I understand him completely, how he got in there, because I’ve been frightened enough myself to want to latch onto something.”

His private feelings about the conversion were expressed in his songwriting. He was particularly incensed by the track “Gotta Serve Somebody” because it opposed his view that there was no single truth. The song said, as bluntly as possible, that whatever your station in life, you were either serving God or the devil. This wasn’t an avoidable choice. John wrote a riposte titled “Serve Yourself,” arguing that no one can save you. The only person you have to serve is yourself. “He was kind of upset [about Dylan’s song] and it was a dialogue,” said Yoko in 1998. “He showed his anger but also … his sense of humour.”

Excerpted from The Gospel According to the Beatles by Steve Turner, published by Westminster John Knox Press, 2006. Used with permission.

Gotta Serve Somebody

John Lennon – Serve yourself



September 19, 2011

By Elvis Costello

My absolute favorite albums are Rubber Soul and Revolver. On both records you can hear references to other music — R&B, Dylan, psychedelia — but it’s not done in a way that is obvious or dates the records. When you picked up Revolver, you knew it was something different. Heck, they are wearing sunglasses indoors in the picture on the back of the cover and not even looking at the camera . . . and the music was so strange and yet so vivid. If I had to pick a favorite song from those albums, it would be “And Your Bird Can Sing” . . . no, “Girl” . . . no, “For No One” . . . and so on, and so on. . . .

Their breakup album, Let It Be, contains songs both gorgeous and jagged. I suppose ambition and human frailty creeps into every group, but they delivered some incredible performances. I remember going to Leicester Square and seeing the film of Let It Be in 1970. I left with a melancholy feeling.


‘Hey Jude’

the beatles 100 greatest songs
Central Press/Getty Images

Main Writer: McCartney
Recorded: July 29-August 1, 1968
Released: August 26, 1968
19 weeks; no. 1

“Hey Jude” was inspired by John and Cynthia Lennon’s five-year-old son, Julian. “Paul and I used to hang out quite a bit — more than Dad and I did,” Julian said. “Maybe Paul was into kids a bit more at the time.”

McCartney was visiting Cynthia after she and Lennon had broken up, and he was thinking of Julian on the drive over there. “I was going out in my car, just vaguely singing this song,” McCartney said, “and it was like, ‘Hey, Jules. . . .’ And then I just thought a better name was Jude. A bit more country & western for me.” The opening lines were “a hopeful message for Julian: ‘Come on, man, your parents got divorced. I know you’re not happy, but you’ll be OK.'”

“Hey Jude” can also be heard as McCartney’s song of consolation to himself as his relationship with Jane Asher was ending and as the Beatles’ future was growing more uncertain. The song was recorded in the middle of the White Album sessions, which were plagued by fighting within the band and increasing alienation as the individual songwriters started treating the other Beatles as sidemen on their songs — if they used them at all. McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr resented the constant presence of John’s new girlfriend, Yoko Ono, in the studio. Engineer Geoff Emerick found the squabbling so unpleasant that he quit. George Martin, also exhausted from the bickering and from running between the individual Beatles recording simultaneously in separate studios, abandoned the sessions to take a vacation, leaving production of the album for several weeks to his assistant Chris Thomas. Fed up himself, Starr left the band for two weeks (the first band member to quit the Beatles).

When Lennon first heard “Hey Jude,” he loved it — he thought McCartney was singing to him, about his relationship with Ono and the strains on the Lennon-McCartney partnership. (Lennon’s contribution to the song came when McCartney pointed out a place-holder line in the fifth verse: “The movement you need is on your shoulder.” Lennon insisted he leave it as is. “That’s the best line in it!” he said.) Calling “Hey Jude” one of McCartney’s “masterpieces,” Lennon said in 1980, “I always heard it as a song to me. . . . Yoko’s just come into the picture. He’s saying, ‘Hey, Jude — hey, John.’ Subconsciously he was saying, ‘Go ahead, leave me.'”

The band hired a 36-piece orchestra for the session; the classical musicians were encouraged to sing and clap along to the song, for double their usual rate. One musician would not go along. “‘I’m not going to clap my hands and sing Paul McCartney’s bloody song,'” Martin remembered him saying. “He said his union card said he was a violinist, and he walked out of the studio. Much to everyone’s amazement.” There were other problems too: McCartney had to tell Harrison to tone down his guitar-playing, which was cluttering up the verses. (Harrison “wasn’t into what I was saying,” said McCartney. “It was bossy, but it was also ballsy of me, because I could have bowed to the pressure.”) And when it came time to record the master take, McCartney hadn’t noticed that Starr was in the bathroom. Fortunately, the drums come in so late in “Hey Jude” that Starr was able to sprint back behind his kit and come in right on time.

The ending refrain goes on for a full four minutes, even longer than the verses, which clock in at just over three minutes. The band hadn’t planned it that way, but McCartney was having too much fun ad-libbing to quit. “I just wouldn’t stop doing all that ‘Judy Judy Judy — wooow!” he said. “Cary Grant on heat!”

“Hey Jude” was the first release on the group’s Apple Records label. It spent nine weeks at Number One, holding the top spot longer than any other Beatles song. It was also the longest Beatles song up to that point, clocking in at seven minutes and 11 seconds. Martin objected to its length, claiming radio wouldn’t play the tune. “They will if it’s us,” Lennon shot back.

Appears On: Past Masters

Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time: “Hey Jude”
The 100 Greatest Singers of All Time: Paul McCartney
Listen to Paul McCartney Share Secrets of McCartney I and II



the beatles 100 greatest songs
Evening Standard/Getty Images

Writer: Harrison
Recorded: April 16, May 2 and 5, July 11 and 16, August 15, 1969
Released: October 1, 1969
16 weeks; no. 3

On February 25th, 1969, his 26th birthday, George Harrison recorded three demos at EMI studios. He did two takes each of “Old Brown Shoe,” which would end up as the B side of “Let It Be,” and “All Things Must Pass,” the title song of his 1970 solo album. He also took a pass at a winsome ballad that he had written on piano during a break in the White Album sessions in 1968: “Something.” “George’s material wasn’t really paid all that much attention to — to such an extent that he asked me to stay behind after [everyone else had gone],” says engineer Glyn Johns, who recorded the demos. “He was terribly nice, as if he was imposing on me. And then he plays this song that just completely blows me away.”

Harrison initially believed the song was so catchy he must have heard it before: “I just put it on ice for six months because I thought, ‘That’s too easy!'” The opening lyric — “Something in the way she moves” — was a James Taylor song from his 1968 Apple Records debut. (Harrison had attended sessions for Taylor’s record and sang backup vocals on another song.) “In my mind,” Harrison said, “I heard Ray Charles singing ‘Something.'” Still, he didn’t necessarily think it was good enough for the Beatles.

He even gave the song to Joe Cocker, who recorded it first. When Harrison finally presented “Something” to the other Beatles, they loved it. John Lennon said “Something” was “the best track on the album.” Paul McCartney called it the best song [Harrison has] written.” “It took my breath away,” producer George Martin later said, “mainly because I never thought that George could do it. It was tough for him because he didn’t have any springboard against which he could work, like the other two did. And so he was a loner.”

The other Beatles worked on “Something” for several months, editing, arranging and rerecording it to perfection. In a reversal, Harrison became musical director, telling McCartney how to play the bass line. “It was a first,” engineer Geoff Emerick said. “George had never dared tell Paul what to do.” At the final session, Harrison shared the conductor’s podium with Martin during the string overdubs and recut his guitar solo, a sparkling combination of dirty-blues-like slide and soaring romanticism, live with the orchestra.

“Something” went to Number Three and eventually became the second-most-covered Beatles song, behind “Yesterday.” Charles would in fact sing it, on his 1971 album, Volcanic Action of My Soul. Frank Sinatra would describe it as “the greatest love song of the past 50 years” (although he often introduced it as a Lennon-McCartney composition).

“He was nervous about his songs,” Martin said of Harrison, “because he knew that he wasn’t the number-one [songwriter] in the group. He always had to try harder.” But with “Something,” the guitarist proved himself to his peers, and to the world.

Appears On: Abbey Road

The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time: “Something”
The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time: ‘Abbey Road’
George Harrison Gets Back: Rolling Stone’s 1987 Cover Story


Featured artist today is Anna Margaret Rose Freeman

The Desublimation Of Modern Art: A Theological Task – Professor Ben Quash

Published on Apr 26, 2012

Professor Ben Quash questions the place of ‘the sublime’, as defined by Immanuel Kant, in contemporary Christian art.

This talk was a part of the Gresham College conference, ‘Thinking Theologically about Modern Art’. The full conference can be accessed on the Gresham College website:

Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website.

Anna M. P. Freeman is mentioned at 40:08 point in the above video


Anna Margaret Rose Freeman


1. AFB_ Mobility and Grandeur.jpg

Anna Margaret Rose Freeman Biography

Born 1982, London, United Kingdom.  Lives and works in London.
2008-2010 Royal College of Art, London MA Painting, School of Fine Art
2001-2004 Chelsea College of Art and Design, London BA (Hons) Fine Art: Painting
2003 Kunsthochschule Weissensee, Berlin Erasmus Exchange
2000-2001 Camberwell College of Arts, London BTEC Diploma Art Foundation
2013 Shadow and Substance, (two person show) Durham University and Newcastle Biscuit Gallery, UK
2012 Restoration, (solo exhibition), Pied à Terre, London, UK
Drift, Lumen United Reformed Church, London, UK
Chamber, (solo exhibition), workshop, Venice, Italy
2011 Some Domestic Incidents, MAC (Midlands Art Centre), Birmingham, UK
Prague Biennale 5, “Expanded Painting 4” Some Domestic Incidents, Czech Republic
The Florence Trust Summer Exhibition, The Florence Trust, London, UK
Sight Insight, Asylum Arts, London, UK
2010 RCA Show Two Battersea, Royal College of Art, Battersea, London, UK
Threshold (two person show), Blyth Gallery, London, UK
2009 Painting School Interim Show, The Sackler Building, London, UK
Bloomberg New Contemporaries, A Foundation Rochelle School, London, UK
Bloomberg New Contemporaries, Corner House, Manchester, UK
There’s Something I’d like to Tell You, IMA Village Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Wunderbar, Galerie Kollaborativ, Berlin, Germany
2008 Some Other Place (two person show), Galerie Kollaborativ, Berlin, Germany
2007 re – collected (solo exhibition), Galerie Kollaborativ, Berlin, Germany
2012 Artist-in-Restaurant, Pied à Terre, London
2010-2011 The Florence Trust Artists Residency
2009 Chelsea Arts Club Trust Award
Villiers David Travel Award
2006-2008 Artist in Residence, Galerie Kollaborativ, Berlin, Germany
2007 Hotel Bloom! Room 212, mural commission, Brussels, Belgium
2011 Florence Trust 2011, Exhibition Catalogue, text by Colin Perry, published by The Florence Trust, London
Some Domestic Incidents, Prague Biennale Exhibition Catalogue, text by Matt Price, published by Flash Art, Italy
2010 RCA Show Catalogue published by the Royal College of Art, London
Modern Painting, Electronic Beats Magazine published by Toni Kappesz, Berlin
2009 Bloomberg New Contemporaries Catalogue published by New Contemporaries (1988) Ltd, London
Art Fairs
2012 MiArt, Milan, Italy
Roma Contemporary, Rome, Italy
Saatchi Collection
Howard and Roberta Ahmanson Collection
Chelsea College of Art & Design Collection
Private collections in Germany, Singapore, Portugal, the USA and the UK.
Visiting Lecturer
2013 University of Durham, Department of Theology, UK
2012 University of Coventry, Fine Art Department, UK
BIOLA University, Art Department, California, USA
2010 Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, UK
University of the Arts, Farnham, UK
University of Reading, Fine Art Department, UK
Artist Exhibition Workshop with Reachout RCA, London, UK


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