Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 15 SUMMING UP FREUD’S ARGUMENTS AGAINST CHRISTIANITY!!!

WE ARE ALL TERRIFIED AT DEATH!!! (This hits me especially hard since I was recently given 6 months to live with 4th stage pancreatic cancer!!!)

Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 12 (FREUD: We all are {terrified}!!!!! And you?! When the siren sounded earlier you didn’t behave like a man who “took comfort” this was his last day.  WHERE IS YOUR GREAT FAITH?  Your precious “Joy” in meeting your maker? It disappears, because you know under all your self-protective lies he does not exist! YOU BURY YOUR DOUBTS AS YOU DO YOUR MEMORIES OF THE WAR, BECAUSE AT YOUR CORE YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A COWARD!)

Freud had 3 arguments against God about the origin of evil and suffering:

Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 13 ( BBC ANNOUNCER …”with the destruction of the entire Polish Air force by the Luftwaffe. Military and civilian casualties are already estimated to be over 20,000, a number certain to rise as German bombing continues. “ LEWIS (shaken) “Twenty thousand killed in two days. It’s nearly impossible to take in.” FREUD: More of God’s “Mysterious Ways.  I wonder what would your “Inklings” say to that?

Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 8 (FREUD You “don’t know?!”My Daughter Sophie died of Spanish Flu at Twenty-Seven! A Wife, a Mother!  Tuberculosis killed my Grandson at five years old! Freud, furious, is now in Lewis’ face. FREUD: FIVE! What a brilliant plan of God’s to murder him! I wish cancer had attacked my brain, instead.  Then, perhaps, I could hallucinate there is a God and seek vengeance.)

Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 2 ( LEWIS: “God gave Lucifer free will, which is the only thing that makes goodness possible. A world filled with choice-less creatures is a world of machines.” FREUD: “Is that your excuse for pain and suffering? Did I bring about my own cancer? Or is killing me God’s revenge?”)


Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 10 (FREUD: “Turn the other cheek? Should Poland turn the other cheek to Hitler?  Should they love their neighbors as German tanks crush their homes? Do you think it coincidence that Jesus demands his followers must be like children to enter Heaven? It’s because man has never matured enough to face that he is alone in the universe and religion makes the world his nursery! I have two words for you, GROW UP!”)


Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 9 (FREUD: “That Christ was a man I don’t argue. The same as Mohammed or Buddha…Why should I take Christ’s claim to be God more seriously than the dozen patients I’ve treated who claim to be Christ?”)


Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 3 ( Freud: “One of us is a fool. If you are right, you will be able to tell me so. If I am right, neither of us will ever know.”)  

Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 6 (FREUD “For one reason. I want to learn why a man of your supreme intellect could suddenly abandon truth and embrace an insidious lie.”)


Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 11 (FREUD: “What were we thinking? It was madness to think we could solve the greatest mystery of all time.” LEWIS: “There’s a greater madness. Not to think of it at all.”)

Arguments between SIGMUND FREUD and C.S. LEWIS from movie “Freud’s Last Session” Part 14 ANNA FREUD: “I’m so glad you were here. It looks like you survived your visit.”LEWIS (quoting “Invictus”) “In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance, My head is bloody, but unbowed.” ANNA FREUD:(surprises him continuing) “Beyond this place of wrath and tears, Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid” LEWIS (impressed) Cheers to us both.

My sons Wilson and Hunter are now climbing a mountain in the LA area. However, they will be helping Sherwood tonight at Santa Monica Promenade. Sherwood preaches and has question and answer sessions. Below  a former muslim turned atheist debates Sherwood on the issue of evolution.

My sons will be attending church on Sunday at Grace Community Church where John MacArthur will be preaching. Here is a clip of him from “Larry King Live.”

In the Arkansas Times Blog today there is a post by “mudturtle” that goes like this:

Genesis is filled with Creation myths, myths that appear in one form or another and virtually every culture. Do you want your kid’s teacher talking about the myth of “Adam and Eve”? Leviticus is down right scary, but it is a good place to point out the inconsistencies in Bible and how contrary they are to our common life.

The Gospels? Like 5 blind men describing an elephant. What were Matthew, Mark, Luke and John thinking?


I understand how skeptics love to take pot shots at the Bible, but let us take a look at some of the facts.

Craig L. Blomberg records a number of archaeological finds that coincide with events recorded in the gospel according to John:

Archaeologists have unearthed the five porticoes of the pool of Bethesda by the Sheep Gate (John 5:2), the pool of Siloam (9:1-7), Jacob’s well at Sychar (4:5), the ‘Pavement’ (Gabbatha) where Pilate tried Jesus (19:13), and Solomon’s porch in the temple precincts (10:22-23)… Since then, discovery of an ossuary (bone-box) of a crucified man named Johanan from first-century Palestine confirms that nails were driven in his ankles, as in Christ’s; previously some skeptics thought that the Romans used only ropes to affix the legs of condemned men to their crosses. And less than five years ago, in 1990, the burial grounds of Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest, and his family were uncovered in Jerusalem. These and numerous other details create a favorable impression of the Gospel’s trustworthiness in the areas in which they can be tested.

Sir William Ramsay, famed archaeologist, began a study of Asia Minor with little regard for the book of Acts. He later wrote:

I may fairly claim to have entered on this investigation without prejudice in favor of the conclusion which I shall now seek to justify to the reader. On the contrary, I began with a mind unfavorable to it,… It did not then lie in my line of life to investigate the subject minutely; but more recently I found myself brought into contact with the Book of Acts as an authority for the topography, antiquities and society of Asia Minor. It was gradually borne upon me that in various details the narrative showed marvelous truth.


I wrote the famous atheist Anthony Flew a series of letters during the 1990’s and he was kind to answer several of them. I also sent him several cassette tapes and video tapes of Adrian Rogers messages. I will start a new series on this subject and post his responses. Below is a video clip filmed close to end of Dr Flew’s life.

Adrian Rogers:


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