Part 2 Adrian Rogers on Proverbs “How To Be The Father Of A Wise Child”

I have been reading Proverbs almost every day for many years with my family in the evening and there is lots of wisdom in it.

Another great sermon outline from Adrian Rogers.

Adrian Rogers

How To Be The Father Of A Wise Child

Proverbs 1:20-22 (Program 1932, Air dates 08.12.2012 and 08.19.2012)



The scorner is the Cynic!!! First, there is the simpleton but then if that person does not fear the Lord then he will cross over to become a scorner.


    1. Delights in scorning.
      1. Proverbs 1:22
    2. Defies instruction.
      1. Proverbs 13:1
    3. Despises the good and the godly.
      1. Proverbs 15:12
      2. Proverbs 9:7-8
    4. Destined for destruction.
      1. Proverbs 13:1,13


Proverbs 1:22-24

“Simpletons! How long will you wallow in ignorance?
Cynics! How long will you feed your cynicism?
Idiots! How long will you refuse to learn?
About face! I can revise your life.
Look, I’m ready to pour out my spirit on you;
I’m ready to tell you all I know.
As it is, I’ve called, but you’ve turned a deaf ear;
I’ve reached out to you, but you’ve ignored me.


A scorner was once a simpleton but now he is a scorner, but there still is some hope for the scorner. However, if he doesn’t turn back then he will become a fool. The difference between the scorner and the fool is the fool is immovable. Proverbs 15:14 An intelligent person is always eager to take in more truth;
fools feed on fast-food fads and fancies. Proverbs 14:9 The stupid ridicule right and wrong,     but a moral life is a favored life. These verses describe a scorner that has crossed over to being a fool.

Proverbs 13:1

Intelligent children listen to their parents;
foolish children do their own thing.

Proverbs 15:12

Know-it-alls don’t like being told what to do;
they avoid the company of wise men and women.

Proverbs 9:7-8

If you reason with an arrogant cynic, you’ll get slapped in the face;
confront bad behavior and get a kick in the shins.
So don’t waste your time on a scoffer;
all you’ll get for your pains is abuse.
But if you correct those who care about life,
that’s different—they’ll love you for it!
Save your breath for the wise—they’ll be wiser for it;
tell good people what you know—they’ll profit from it.

Proverbs 13:1,13

Intelligent children listen to their parents;
foolish children do their own thing.

Ignore the Word and suffer;
honor God’s commands and grow rich.



Proverbs 15:12

Know-it-alls don’t like being told what to do;
they avoid the company of wise men and women.



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