We need a smaller government if we want to get a grip on corruption.

We need a smaller government if we want to get a grip on corruption.

We’ve gotten to the point where you need a guide-book to keep track of all the scandals in Washington.

As a fiscal policy wonk, I focus mostly on the sleaze at the IRS, but I also recognize that the other scandals are equally troubling.

So I’m amused by Lisa Benson’s portrayal of the…um…plumbing problems at the White House.

DC Septic Cartoon

But there’s a theme to all the scandals, regardless of whether they’re happening now under Obama or whether they happened under Bush or during the reign of previous Presidents: Many of them take place solely because government is large, bloated, and involved in areas where it doesn’t belong.

Here’s my video explaining why corruption is much more common when government is bigger.

Want Less Corruption? Shrink the Size of Government

Uploaded on Apr 21, 2009

Washington is riddled with corruption, much of which actually is legal. The politicians and other insiders claim that more ethics laws and lobbying rules are the solution. Some even say the only answer is campaign finance laws that restrict 1st Amendment rights to fully participate in the political process. This Center for Freedom and Prosperity video explores a different hypothesis and concludes that big government is inherently corrupting. http://www.freedomandprosperity.org


P.S. You can see some of my favorite Benson cartoons herehere, here, here,here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here,herehereherehereherehere, hereherehere, and here.

And here’s my favorite one, which criticized Obama’s class warfare policy and became part of my political cartoon contest.

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